Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Water Quality update from CRWA

Water Quality for Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Watertown Yacht Club - blue flag

Newton Yacht Club - blue flag

Community Rowing, Inc. - blue flag

Northeastern's Henderson Boathouse - blue flag

Charles River Canoe and Kayak at Herter Park - blue flag

Harvard's Weld Boathouse - blue flag

Riverside Boat Club - blue flag

Charles River Yacht Club - blue flag

Union Boat Club - blue flag

Charles River Canoe and Kayak at Kendall Square - blue flag

Community Boating - blue flag

Access Sport America at Spaulding Dock - blue flag

A blue flag indicates suitable boating conditions; a yellow flag indicates inconclusive data to predict possible health risks; a red flag indicates potential health risks. Avoid areas where red flags are posted or make sure you wash after boating nearby.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Update on Water Quality from CRWA

Water Quality for Friday, July 20, 2012

Watertown Yacht Club - red flag

Newton Yacht Club - red flag

Community Rowing, Inc. -  red flag

Northeastern's Henderson Boathouse - red flag

Charles River Canoe and Kayak at Herter Park - red flag

Harvard's Weld Boathouse -  red flag

Riverside Boat Club - red flag

Charles River Yacht Club - red flag

Union Boat Club - red flag

Charles River Canoe and Kayak at Kendall Square - red flag

Community Boating - red flag

Access Sport America at Spaulding Dock - red flag

Due to Wednesday evening's rainstorms, there were several combined sewer overflows (CSOs), which discharged untreated combined sewage to the lower Charles on both banks of the river. Public health officials recommend avoiding contact with the river during rainstorms and for 48 hours afterwards, as there may be increased health risks due to bacteria or other pollutants.

A blue flag indicates suitable boating conditions; a yellow flag indicates inconclusive data to predict possible health risks; a red flag indicates potential health risks. Avoid areas where red flags are posted or make sure you wash after boating nearby.

Charles River Watershed Association's Water Quality Flagging Program presents the daily flag colors of the river's health, which signify whether or not the river is safe for boating at nine boating locations from Watertown to Boston. Flag colors are based on forecasts of bacteria levels and blue-green algae counts.  Please note that weekend flag colors are based on weather forecasts and are subject to change. 
CRWA estimates bacteria levels using a model that takes into account various environmental factors. CRWA typically collects river samples for bacteria weekly to verify our model predictions. Algae monitoring is conducted at least every two weeks.  

Today's flag colors are a conservative estimate of water quality conditions.  Actual water quality may vary from predictions.   
For more information about the flagging program, and to view bacteria data, visit our water quality notification web page at


Thursday, July 19, 2012

This Weekend on the Charles

Hey Folks,
a short but intense event this weekend.  Please use caution.
July 21, Saturday, 9:45AM - NOON.  CBC Invitational Regatta. 
Starting at Eliot Bridge, expect a bit of a scrum for the 15 minutes before.  Boats will go off the line in a relay style lap race using several boat classes, rounding buoys at Magazine Beach for early laps and below Weeks for later laps.  Please use caution at Eliot Bridge where boats may be waiting to be 'handed the baton' so to speak and also at any bouy you may see on the river since boats might be turning around them.
  • Power boaters are asked to travel the course before 8:45 am or after noon, but a travel lane will be maintained down the center of the river throughout the event (putt putt speed, please).  If on the course during the event, take care and prepare to hold up at the start line at Eliot Bridge  and also at all buoys as boats may be crossing your bow to round them and head back up river.  
  • Canoe and Kayakers and non participating rowers are asked to stay off the course during the event if at all possible.

CSO Discharge notice from the MWRA

Notice of Treated CSO Discharge
MWRA Cottage Farm CSO Treatment Facility
In accordance with the conditions of the Lower Charles River Basin Variance for Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO) issued by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to the MWRA on October 1, 2010, you are hereby notified of a discharge of treated combined sewage to the Charles River at MWRA’s Cottage Farm CSO Treatment Facility (Outfall MWR 201).
The Variance allows CSO discharges, and requires the MWRA to notify local health agents, DEP, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Charles River Watershed Association by email within 24 hours of a discharge. The Cottage Farm CSO Facility discharged on Wednesday, July 18, 2012, beginning at approximately 6:31 PM and ending at 8:45 PM.
The Cottage Farm CSO Treatment Facility is located adjacent to the Charles River at 660 Memorial Drive in Cambridge, between Magazine Park and the BU Bridge. The facility provides hydraulic relief for MWRA’s North and South Charles Relief Sewers and is the primary upstream relief point when wet weather flows in large storms exceed the hydraulic capacity of MWRA’s Ward Street Headworks in Boston. The headworks direct flows to the Deer Island Wastewater Treatment Plant via a deep rock tunnel.  Hydraulic relief through the facility is necessary to prevent system surcharging and backups into streets and buildings in large storms.  The Cottage Farm CSO Facility provides screening, sediment reduction, and disinfection (with dechlorination) of combined storm water and sewage before discharging to the Charles River. The Cottage Farm CSO Facility discharges only during large storms.
There are several other permitted combined sewer overflow outfalls which occasionally discharge untreated combined sewage to the lower Charles on both banks of the river. During large storms, such as those that cause Cottage Farm discharges, untreated CSO can discharge to the Charles River. Public health officials recommend avoiding contact with the river during rainstorms and for 48 hours afterwards, as there may be increased health risks due to bacteria or other pollutants.
If you need additional information about the most recent discharge at the Cottage Farm CSO Facility, please contact the MWRA Wastewater Operations Control Center at 617-305-5940.
For related information, please visit the following links:
Description of CSO Discharges and MWRA’s CSO Control Program
Charles River Variance
Charles River Water Quality
CSO Discharge Monitoring Reports

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Barge work done at Weeks : )

In remarkably short time, the Navigation lights are working again at Weeks, and the barge is gone.  and I got a phone call telling me that.  Thanks to the DCR for such great communication on this project.
thanks everyone on the river for your coorperation.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Reminder: BARGE ALERT Wednesday, July 18th

There will be a barge working on the navigation lights at Weeks Bridge on Wednesday, July 18, 2012 from 7AM to 3PM.  Notice from DCR folks.  We did have a conversation about how the river is used from bank to bank, barge lighting and barge parking, but it is very unlikely that this work will go beyond one day, so the barge parking should not be a factor.  Please read this notice through and share with your memberships.
  • the barge will be working on the center navigation light and on the abutment lights as well.  Larger vessels  (and maybe even some not so large vessels) may not be able to fit through the arch during this work.  Please alert your members of this and recommend that they plan accordingly.
  • NO WAKE speed only, for the safety of the workers on the barge who may be on a crane.
  • Please use RIGHT HAND ARCHES ONLY  from 7AM - 3PM or earlier if the barge is gone.
  • Coaches - NO WAKE speed only, for the safety of the workers on teh barge who may be on a crane.
  • Keep your eyes open for that barge moving upriver prior to 7AM and downriver later that day. 
Thanks folks.  Your cooperation during this important work is greatly appreciated.

Friday, July 13, 2012

BARGE ALERT! WEEKS BRIDGE, July 18th, 7am to 3pm

There will be a barge working on the navigation lights at Weeks Bridge on Wednesday, July 18, 2012 from 7AM to 3PM.  We did have a conversation about how the river is used from bank to bank, barge lighting and barge parking, but it is very unlikely that this work will go beyond one day, so the barge parkign should not be a factor.  Please read this notice through and share with your memberships.

  • the barge will be working on the center navigation light and on the abutment lights as well.  Larger vessels  (and maybe even some not so large vessels) may not be able to fit through the arch during this work.  Please alert your members of this and recommend that they plan accordingly.
  • NO WAKE speed only, for the safety of the workers on the barge who may be on a crane.
  • Please use RIGHT HAND ARCHES ONLY  from 7AM - 3PM or earlier if the barge is gone.
  • Coaches - NO WAKE speed only, for the safety of the workers on teh barge who may be on a crane.
  • Keep your eyes open for that barge moving upriver prior to 7AM and downriver later that day. 
Thanks folks.  Your cooperation during this important work is greatly appreciated.
Check out the CRAB website at


Thursday, July 12, 2012

This Weekend on the Charles

Please share this info with your memberships:

July 14, time 6AM to 3:30PM - Finale of the 2012 4 part B.A.S.S of Mass fishing tourney, Charles River Edition. 
Parking will take place at the Daly Rink to free up space in the CRI/ramp lot for CRI and ramp users.  Expect heavy traffic at the ramp from 6-7AM and again from 2:30-3:30PM.  The fishermen tend to be very nice but like everyone, they can be a bit competitive in getting to their choice spots - and some of these folks will be new to the Charles and will not understand our unique traffic patterns.  So expect some parking under bridges and some inexperience in dealing with small boats - and the usual quiet fishing etiquette (read:  rowers keep your eyes open because they sometimes don't tell you when you're heading right for them).  btw, start counting BASS stickers on vehicles and you'll be amazed at how many fishermen and women there are in this state. 
July 15, 9AM to 2PM.  Access Sport America Mayor's Cup Regatta. 
Running off the new dock at the Esplanade, the course runs along the Boston Shore from the Islands to the Mass Ave Bridge.  This annual Dragon Boat event is run by Access Sport America, which boats off the Spaulding Hospital Dock near the dam and runs a wide range of programs to inspire high function and fitness for children and adults living with disabilities through high-challenge sports and training.  Corporate and Philanthropic teams of 8 with at least one person with a disability compete in Hawaiian Outrigger Canoe Races.  Expect heavy Boston shore activity and some early power boating activity since they help work the course.

July 21, Saturday, 9:45AM.  CBC Invitational Regatta. 
Starting at Eliot Bridge, expect a bit of a scrum for the 15 minutes before.  Boats will go off the line in a relay style lap race using several boat classes, rounding buoys at Magazine Beach for early laps and below Weeks for later laps.  Power boaters are asked to travel the course before 8:45 am or after noon, but a travel lane will be maintained down the center of the river throughout the event (putt putt speed, please).  If on the course during the event, take care and prepare to hold up when approaching the Eliot Bridge as boats may be waiting to be 'handed the baton' so to speak - and also at all buoys as boats may be crossing your bow to round them and head back up river.  Canoe and Kayakers and non participating rowers are asked to stay off the course during the event if at all possible.
Check out the CRAB website at

Friday, July 6, 2012

CRWA Water Quality

CRWA Daily Charles River Water Quality
Presenting the daily flag colors of the river's health

Water Quality for Friday, July 6, 2012

Newton Yacht Club - blue flag

Watertown Yacht Club - blue flag

Community Rowing, Inc. -  blue flag 

Northeastern's Henderson Boathouse - blue flag

Charles River Canoe and Kayak at Herter Park -
blue flag

Harvard's Weld Boathouse - blue flag

Riverside Boat Club - blue flag

Charles River Yacht Club - yellow flag

Union Boat Clubyellow flag

Community Boating - yellow flag

Charles River Canoe and Kayak at Kendall Square - yellow flag

Access Sport America at Spaulding Dock -  yellow flag 

Yellow flags are being flown in accordance with the Mass Dept. of Public Health cyanobacteria (blue green algae) advisory posted for the Charles River downstream of the MIT crew boathouse.  The bloom seems to be dissipating however, so we hope that the advisory will be lifted soon, barring the resurgence of cyanobacteria growth in the Lower Basin. 

A blue flag indicates suitable boating conditions; a yellow flag indicates inconclusive data to predict possible health risks; a red flag indicates potential health risks. Avoid direct contact with water in areas where red flags are posted or make sure you wash after boating nearby.

Charles River Watershed Association's Water Quality Flagging Program presents the daily flag colors of the river's health, which signify whether or not the river is safe for boating at ten boating locations from Watertown to Boston. Flag colors are based on forecasts of bacteria levels and blue-green algae counts.  Please note that weekend flag colors are based on weather forecasts and are subject to change. 
Click here for a map of flagging locations and additional information.
CRWA estimates bacteria levels using a model that takes into account various environmental factors. CRWA typically collects river samples for bacteria weekly to verify our model predictions. Algae monitoring is conducted at least every two weeks.  

Today's flag colors are a conservative estimate of water quality conditions.  Actual water quality may vary from predictions.   
For more information about the flagging program, and to view bacteria data, visit our water quality notification web page at


Learn more about Charles River Watershed Association and our efforts to protect the river:

Visit our website
Become a fan of CRWA on Facebook
Follow CRWA on Twitter @cleancharles
Join the CRWA group on LinkedIn
Donate today to help protect the Charles
Volunteer for CRWA 
Daily Charles River Water Quality information is emailed each weekday from early July through mid October by the Charles River Watershed Association. 

Contact: Julie Wood,
Mailing address: CRWA, 190 Park Road, Weston, MA 02493
Phone: 781-788-0007 Fax: 781-788-0057 Web:
CRWA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit dependent on philanthropic support. 
Click here to go to the CRWA Water Quality Flagging program's web page.
Know someone who would appreciate information about Charles River water quality?
Click here to
forward this message to your friends and colleagues.

State Police Response

Subject: State Police Response to "waking" boater
Good Morning,

I just wanted to relate a story that may be of interest to any of the rowers who were waked, or in my case, completely swamped, by the white cabin cruiser heading upstream this morning.  

I first encountered the boat between the BU bridge and Riverside as we were both heading upstream.  He was a bit slower than I but put out a very substantial wake, which I was in and out of through the powerhouse and Weeks.  I courteously hailed the captain several times, got his and his passenger's attention, and politely asked him to slow and reduce his wake, to no avail.  I managed to get in front of his wake between Weeks and Anderson, at which time, he sped up and completely swamped my single, which I was luckily able to bail out with my water bottle and safely row back to the dock.  When I got back to my car, I called the State Police, gave as much of a description as I could of the boat, and as I had the time, offered to go to the boat ramp to ID the boat.  By the time I drove to CRI, three Troopers were waiting to intercept the boat at the ramp.  I ID'd the boat as it pulled in, and the police took my statement.  As I left, they were giving both boat and passengers a very thorough going-over.  

So in case you wondered what would happen if you report a reckless boater, the Police do take it very seriously.  

Thursday, July 5, 2012

This Weekend on the Charles, and the rest of the month too.

Hope you all had a Happy 4th.  This weekend on the Charles:
Sunday, July 9th, 6AM to 7PM
Riverside Boat Club's annual Cromwell Cup Regatta on the Powerhouse Stretch (Weeks to Magazine Beach).  1000m sprint race on a partially BUOY'd COURSE using all 3 arches of River and Western Ave Bridges.  this permetted regatta runs from 6am to 7pm, with heavy boating restrictions from 7am to 6pm.  Non-regatta participants are encouraged to access the course before 7AM and after 6PM.  Non-participant boater access will be permitted at 10-15 minute intervals, and no wake speed is required on the course (and on the rest of the river).

Heads up on some upcoming, major events:

Summer Camps are starting up so keep sharp.

July 14, time tba (I think 9am-ish).  Finale of the 2012 B.A.S.S of Mass fishing tourney, Charles River Edition. 
Trying to get details, but this should be a big event.  The fishermen tend to be very nice but like everyone, they can be a bit competitive - and some of these folks will be new to the Charles and will not understand our unique traffic patterns.  So expect some parking under bridges and some inexperience in dealing with small boats - and the usual quiet fishing etiquette (read:  rowers keep your eyes open because they sometimes don't tell you when you're heading right for them).  Hopefully more details coming soon.  btw, start counting BASS stickers on vehicles and you'll be amazed at how many fishermen and women there are in this state. 

July 15, 9AM to 2PM.  Access Sport America Mayor's Cup Regatta. 
Running off the new dock at the Esplanade, the course runs along the Boston Shore from the Islands to the Mass Ave Bridge.  This annual Dragon Boat event is run by Access Sport America, which boats off the Spaulding Hospital Dock near the dam and runs a wide range of programs to inspire high function and fitness for children and adults living with disabilities through high-challenge sports and training.  Corporate and Philanthropic teams of 8 with at least one person with a disability compete in Hawaiian Outrigger Canoe Races.  Expect heavy Boston shore activity and some early power boating activity since they help work the course.
July 21, Saturday, 9:45AM.  CBC Invitational Regatta. 
Starting at Eliot Bridge, expect a bit of a scrum for the 15 minutes before.  Boats will go off the line in a relay style lap race using several boat classes, rounding buoys at Magazine Beach for early laps and below Weeks for later laps.  Power boaters are asked to travel the course before 8:45 am or after noon, but a travel lane will be maintained down the center of the river throughout the event (putt putt speed, please).  If on the course during the event, take care and prepart to hold up when approaching the Eliot Bridge as boats may be waiting to be 'handed the baton' so to speak - and also at all buoys as boats may be turning round them and heading back up river.  Canoe and Kayakers and non participating rowers are asked to stay off the course during the event if at all possible.
Check out the CRAB website at

Water Quality - from the CRWA

Water Quality for Thursday, July 5, 2012

Newton Yacht Club - blue flag

Watertown Yacht Club - blue flag

Community Rowing, Inc. -  blue flag 

Northeastern's Henderson Boathouse - blue flag

Charles River Canoe and Kayak at Herter Park -
blue flag

Harvard's Weld Boathouse - blue flag

Riverside Boat Club - blue flag

Charles River Yacht Club - yellow flag

Union Boat Clubyellow flag

Community Boating - yellow flag

Charles River Canoe and Kayak at Kendall Square - yellow flag

Access Sport America at Spaulding Dock -  yellow flag 

Yellow flags are being flown in accordance with the Mass Dept. of Public Health cyanobacteria (blue green algae) advisory posted for the Charles River downstream of the MIT crew boathouse.  The bloom seems to be dissipating however, so we hope that the advisory will be lifted soon, barring the resurgence of cyanobacteria growth in the Lower Basin.