Thursday, April 25, 2013

This Weekend on the Charles

 This weekend on the Charles

****A word to powerboaters.  If you could please maintain no-wake speed when traveling along race courses during race times, especially in the basin where the boats seem far away but your wake still hits them, it would be much appreciated.  

7:00Harvard HMV4
24Radcliffe OWV4B
36Harvard HM3V
8:00Harvard HM1F H Live Stream
12Radcliffe OW3V
36Radcliffe OWV4AH Live Stream
48Harvard HM2V
9:00BU OW2V
12Harvard HM1VH Live Stream
24Radcliffe OW2V
48Radcliffe OW1VH Live Stream
10AM to 11AM:  High School Racing in the Powerhouse (Weeks to the Powderhouse at Magazine Beach).

11AM to Noon:  High  School Racing in the Powerhouse (Weeks to the Powderhouse at Magazine Beach)
The Ducey cup.  Brookline High v. BB&M


7:00AM to 10AM:  College Racing on the 2k course, (Longfellow to BU Bridges)
Unsure of the schedule but it is happening.

upriver and downriver racing and lots of it. See the website for more detials.   Races include the following:  
• 26-Mile Professional Marathon, $5,000 in cash prizes
• 24-Mile Corporate Relay
• 24-Mile Non-Corporate Relay - government, women, mixed and open classes
• 19-Mile Races
• 9-Mile Races
• 6-Mile Races
• Paddleboard divisions
Barge ALERTS and Traffic Pattern Info
Anderson Bridge - TEMPORARY TRAFFIC PATTERN CHANGE IN EFFECT.  Boston arch is closed.  The Center Arch is dedicated DOWNSTREAM ONLY for rowing, it remains bi-directional for powerboats.  There is also an inflatable boom on the Cambridge shore, just upstream on the bridge, pushing crews heading upstream toward the middle.  All boats should use caution, whether heading upstream or down, and take care to not wander into oncoming traffic.
BU/Grand Juncion Railroad Bridge - Emergency repairs continue.  Currently, the barge is blocking the main, Cambridge side arch.  But the shore arch is open and clear enough for an eight.  Please use caution.  CRAB folks are working with the State to get construction updates.

Longfellow Bridge - Barges at work.  No traffic pattern changes, but use extreme caution  -  or better yet, rowers should just turn before this bridge.  This is going to be 3 years of major construction so do yourself a favor and turn before the bridge.  CRAB folks are meeting with the state to get a better handle on this project to ensure safe boating for powerboaters paddlers, and rowers who opt to go through - but let me say it one more time, rowers should just get used to turning before this bridge.
not so fine print and legalese.... CRAB is not the boss of you.  We cannot tell you what to do.  We offer information that we believe to be true in a good faith effort to improve awareness, communication and boating safety.  And we do this because we believe that the boaters of the Charles River want a safe boating environment for all.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

This Weekend on the Charles with TRAFFIC PATTERN UPDATES!

LOTS going on this weekend on the Charles, especially on saturday.
BARGES! and construction alerts.
Please follow the suggested traffic pattern below, noting changes:
Anderson Bridge - TEMPORARY TRAFFIC PATTERN CHANGE  Boston arch is closed.  The Center Arch is dedicated DOWNSTREAM ONLY for rowing. The center arch remains bi-directional for powerboats.  There is also an inflatable boom on the Cambridge shore, just upstream on the bridge, pushing crews heading upstream toward the middle.  All boats should use caution and PADDLE PRESSURE ONLY, whether heading upstream or down, and take care to not wander into oncoming traffic.
BU/Grand Juncion Railroad Bridge - Emergency repairs continue.  Currently, the barge is blocking the main, Cambridge side arch but the shore arch is open for upstream traffic, with caution, and wide enough for an eight.  Please use the Cambridge Shore arch, with caution, for all upstream traffic.   CRAB folks have met with representatives from multiple state agencies and the contractor to improve notification of when the barges move.  notification will be forwarded.  
Longfellow Bridge - Barges at work.  No traffic pattern changes, but use extreme caution  -  or better yet, rowers should just turn before this bridge.  This is going to be 3 years of major construction so do yourself a favor and turn before the bridge.  CRAB folks are meeting with the state to get a better handle on this project to ensure safe boating for powerboaters paddlers, and rowers who opt to go through - but let me say it one more time, rowers should just get used to turning before this bridge.

6:30am - 11:30AM College Racing on the 2k course, Longfellow to BU Bridges.
MIT open women vs. Umass. 5 slots. Late a.m. Total slots: 25 Start Teams Event 6:40am HVL 2F 6:50am BU HM 3V/2F 7:00am HVL 3V 7:10am BU HM 4V 7:20am HVL 1F 7:30am BU HM 3V/1F 7:40am HVL 2V 7:50am BU HM 2V 8:00am HVL 1V 8:10am BU HM 1V 8:20am RAD LW 1V 8:30am MIT LW 1V 8:40am RAD LW 2V 8:50am MIT LW 2V 9:00am RAD LW 1N 9:10am MIT LW 1N/V4 9:20am RAD LW V4 9:30am MIT OW 1V 9:40am BU LW 1V 9:50am MIT OW 2V 10:00am BU LW 2V 10:10am MIT OW V4 10:20am BU LW V4 10:30am MIT OW V4 B 10:40am 10:50am MIT OW 3V8 11:00am 11:10am
9am to Noon, Earth Day Cleanup - taking part all along the Charles.  Some on water cleanup may take place.
The Earthday cleanup will be running from 9am to noon.  the planned 100+ Canoes and kayaks are cancelled, but their may be a handful of canoes/kayakers participating.  College coaches participating in races on the 2k course and in the Powerhouse Stretch are urged to keep a watch out for small boats.  All rowers are urged to alert all home and visiting crewst that they may encounter canoes and kayakers unfamiliar with the Charles traffic patterns on their way to the start line.  Everyone should use caution, particularly in work areas.
10AM to Noon.  NCDS v.CRLS (JV)
either in the Powerhouse, (Weeks to the Powderhouse at Magazine Beach) or the CRI stretch, (North Beacon to the Perkins Tower)
1PM to 3PM.  BC High v. St. Pauls and Tabor
1500 m in Basin (I think that means Longfellow to the painted stripe on the wall past the MIT boathouse, but I'm not really sure - ks).
2PM to 3PM.  BB&N, Groten, Nobles, Porters in the Powerhouse (Weeks to the powder magazine on Magazine Beach).
3PM to 5PM, Brookline High v. Pomfret, on the Powerhouse (Weeks to the powder magazing on Magazine Beach).
7:15AM to 10:15AM - College Racing on the 2k course, Longfellow to BU Bridges
Lightweight Women Invite (MIT/Radcliffe/BU/Princeton/Wisco/Stanford/UMass) 4 slots early a.m., 5 slots late a.m. Total slots: 9 Start Teams Event 7:00am LW Invite 2V H1 7:20am LW Invite 2V H2 7:40am LW Invite 1V H1 8:00am LW Invite 1V H2 9:20am LW Invite 2V PF 9:40am LW Invite 2V GF 10:00am LW Invite 1V PF 10:20am LW Invite 1V GF

Friday, April 12, 2013

This Weekend on the Charles and Traffic Pattern and Barge ALERTS!

Thanks to Stacey for the updated info on Saturday.  Here is the full schedule for the weekend including college and high school racing, but first, a few ALERTS to just remind everyone of what is going on.
Anderson Bridge - TEMPORARY TRAFFIC PATTERN CHANGE IN EFFECT.  Boston arch is closed.  The Center Arch is dedicated DOWNSTREAM ONLY for rowing, it remains bi-directional for powerboats.  There is also an inflatable boom on the Cambridge shore, just upstream on the bridge, pushing crews heading upstream toward the middle.  All boats should use caution, whether heading upstream or down, and take care to not wander into oncoming traffic.
BU/Grand Juncion Railroad Bridge - TEMPORARY TRAFFIC PATTERN CHANGE IN EFFECT.  Emergency repairs continue.  Currently, the barge is blocking the main, Cambridge side arch.  Of the three arches on the Boston side, the Cambride most arch is dedicated UPSTREAM.  The middle of the three arches is dedicated DOWNSTREAM and the Boston shore-most arch is still bi-directional for Powerboaters.   Upstream traffic may use the Cambridge shore arch but with  extreme caution.  It is narrow, shallow, and a tree partially obstructs the travel lane.  CRAB folks are meeting with the State to get a better handle on this emergency work and better notification and cooperation with the boating community.
Longfellow Bridge - Barges at work.  No traffic pattern changes, but use extreme caution  -  or better yet, rowers should just turn before this bridge.  This is going to be 3 years of major construction so do yourself a favor and turn before the bridge.  CRAB folks are meeting with the state to get a better handle on this project to ensure safe boating for powerboaters paddlers, and rowers who opt to go through - but let me say it one more time, rowers should just get used to turning before this bridge.

7:00AM to 11:45AM - College Racing on the 2k course, Longfellow to BU Bridges.
The schedule for this Saturday’s racing is pasted below.  The conditions are such that we cannot set stakeboats today – we’re worried they may sink.  We’re planning to set them tomorrow morning – we’ll pick up 2 from MIT.
6:05 a.m.
OFFICER OF THE DAY: Early, NU Men; Late: BU women
STAKEBOATS SET (  4  ): BU Women
STAKEBOATS PULL: BU Women, Possibly leave 2 for HVL
STAKEBOAT PEOPLE: Early: BU Men; Late: BU Women
BU men vs. Northeastern.  5 slots.  Early a.m.
BU open women vs. Yale, Dartmouth, Clemson. 5 slots.  Late a.m.
Harvard heavy men vs. Brown. 5 slots.
Total slots: 15
Harvard HM
Harvard HM
Harvard HM
Harvard HM
Harvard HM
70th Oberg Trophy (Gr. Boston) @ BU 
10:00AM - NOON  -  NCDS Vs. Lincoln And Southfield , CRI Stretch, No. Beacon To Perkins Tower'
10:00AM - NOON  - Belmont Hill timetrials in the Powerhouse, Weeks to Powderhouse at Magazine Beach.
3:00PM - 4:00PM   - BB&N v. Deerfield in the Powerhouse, Weeks to the Powderhouse at Magazine Beach.
College racing on the 2k course, Longfellow to BU Bridges
7:00AM to 9:00AM Harvard light men vs. Dartmouth. 5 slots. (Backup site to Hanover race)
Start Teams Event 7:30am HVL 7:50am HVL 8:10am HVL 8:30am HVL 8:50am HVL


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Charles River Clean Up Boat Update

Below is an update from the good people at the Clean Up Boat.  In it is a nice invitation from them fo the Boat Clubs to join in on their clearnup on May 11th, though I know that many clubs are already committed to hosting large clearnups on Earth Day.  Whatever event you take part in, the river is a better place for all the efforts.  Thanks to everyone for the good work.

Charles River Clean Up Boat Update - 13 -1
Hi everybody, its that time again and we are gearing up for our 10 th season of cleaning the floating trash from the Charles.   The schedule for 2013 is posted as a link from the  Volunteers are already signing up.  Lesley O'Garro, who signs up the Museum of Science volunteers, has been going great guns.  Now that I have finally got this Update out, I expect many of the other volunteers will sign on this summer for an enjoyable, and productive, day on the boat.

In order to sign up, you go to the calender, pick the days that need crew that coincide with your availability, and call, or Email, the person listed at the top of the calender page.   Nancy Free is now signing up non MoS volunteers.  Her phone number and E-mail address is on each calender page.  If you cannot reach Nancy, call, or E-mail, me, my contact information is also on each calender page.

The Lisa S is at Russo Marine being prepared for the season.  This is the 8th year for this boat.  We have worn out 2 sets of steering and control cables, replaced the motor 2 years ago, and installed a new helm last year.  We have gotten a lot of faithful service from this boat.

This year we are starting on May 11.  About the same date as last year.    Again, we will have other boats helping us on opening day. 

So on Sat, May 11, I hope many of the boat clubs along the river will join us in picking up the winters' residual trash.  Individuals, with, or without, canoes and kayaks, are also welcome.

Nick Pasquarosa is coordinating the effort at the Charles River Yacht Club.  Boats and volunteers can gather there at 8:00 AM for coffee and doughnuts, getting assigned areas and matching volunteers to available boats.  We will start cleaning at 9:00 AM and end at 12:00 noon.  The Charles River Yacht Club will host a pizza and soda lunch for the volunteers.

We invite all of the boating clubs between Watertown and the dam to join us.  If you haven't had a chance to join in any of the earlier clean ups, meet with us at the CRYC, or clean the areas near your facilities.  If you are doing this, please Email  ( or call (508-596-4701) me, so we don't assign duplicate boats to the same areas.  The Clean Up Boat will bring extra skimmers and dispose of all the collected trash.

Funding is going to be difficult this year, Some changes with one of our long term key supporters resulted in our not getting our expected donation.  So any extra financial help you can donate will be definitely appreciated.  I will get to work on sending out requests for donations soon.  

Please spread the word.  Feel free to copy this Update and publish copies in your newsletters, or post copies on bulletin boards.  I hope to have enough help to have the river in mid season condition by the end of Saturday, May 11. Usually it takes us about  3 weeks, working alone, to get the river to mid season cleanliness.

Also, if you can't make May 11th, feel free to pick up any floating trash at any time.  It just helps us to keep the river looking cleaner.

It's going to be another wonderful year, our 10th, on the river.  I hope to see you out there soon.


This Weekend on the Charles

This Weekend on the Charles.  Take a look below folks.  Some information appears incomplete and some appears to contradict itself, so you might want to just keep your eyes open all the time and expect racing everywhere.  Please be sure to read down to see college and high school racing plans for Saturday, and Riverside's Annual Crusher Casey Challenge being held on Sunday.  All non combatants are asked to steer clear of race courses if possible and please use patience if you come upon a start time and crews lining up.
7:00am, College racing on the 2k course
Between Longfellow and BU Bridges on the Cambridge side.
BC vs. MIT/Wellesley women.  5 slots. Early a.m.
MIT heavy men vs. Columbia/Holy Cross/Dartmouth.  4 slots.
Simmons vs. UVM.  4 slots. Late a.m.
Harvard heavy men vs. Cornell.  5 slots.
Radcliffe v. Brown. 5 slots.
Total slots: 23
7:00amHarvard HM2F
7:10amRadcliffe OWV4 B
7:20amMIT HMV4  
7:30amHarvard HM3V 
7:40amRadcliffe OW3V 
7:50amMIT HM3V 
8:00amHarvard HM1F
8:10amRadcliffe OWV4 A
8:20amMIT HM2V
8:30amHarvard HM2V
8:40amRadcliffe OW2V 
8:50amMIT HM1V
9:00amHarvard HM1V
9:10amRadcliffe OW1V 
9:20amBC OW1V 
9:30amSimmons OW1V 
9:40amBC OW2V 
9:50amSimmons OW2V 
10:00amBC OW3V 
10:10amSimmons OW3V 
10:20amBC OWV4 A 
10:30amSimmons OW1N8
10:40amBC OWV4 B
10:00 am - CRLS v. BB&N in the Powerhouse Stretch (Weeks to the Powderhouse at Magazine Beach).
Boys and Girls Fours in the Powerhouse stretch.  One hour.  Start time TBA. 
11:00am - Belmont Hill v. BC High Scrimmage.  I think this is on the Powerhouse Stretch but it doesn't say for sure.  (Weeks to the Powderhouse at Magazine Beach).
NOON - Brookline High v. Boston Latin and Hinham.
Upstream 1500m powerhouse course
2:30pm to 4:30pm.  Belmont Hill v. Exeter/Deerfield
I assume this too is on the Powerhouse.
6:30am - RBC Annual Crusher Casey Challenge
Sunday, April 7, 6:30am to 8:30am, RBC will hold its annual Crusher Casey Stake Race honoring one of its most famous members, professional wrestler and boxer and national champion rower on 2 continents, Steve "Crusher" Casey. 
This is an old fashioned stake race, with a likely course of RBC to Mass Ave and back, but bad weather or BU construction maneuvering could change the course to RBC through Anderson and Back.  Likely race start times are small boats off the line at 7:00am and big boats off the line at 7:30am.  Not alot of boats but lots of adreneline.
Please keep your eyes open for competitors during this time.  safey launches will be on the course, but please be on the lookout for racers - or adjust your workout to be out of the area.