Friday, June 30, 2017

Fw: (CRAB) This week on the Charles

Sound advice.

Also, please steer clear of the fireworks barge - well clear.  Stay outside of the buoys which are not placed to be convenient to you.  Do it anyway.

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No races or events scheduled for the weekend.  However THE FOURTH of July is Tuesday which of course means the river will be packed with powerboaters, canoes, kaykas and all manner of people going to see the fireworks - all over the river, all day!!  Monday the 3rd will also probably be busy with boaters headed out for the Boston Pops dress rehearsal on the Esplanande and Wednesday morning the 5th there may be some late boaters making their way home. These are boaters who come to the Charles once a year - they don't know the rules of the river, they may not care about wake and they certainly won't be looking out for any rowers.....go out early on the 3rd, later on the 5th and skip the 4th entirely!!!!!

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Friday, June 23, 2017

Fw: (CRAB) This weekend on the Charles

On Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 5:03 PM, CRAB
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additional event on July 9 - just a heads up - Annual Mayor's Cup Regatta - on the Esplanade in Hawaiian Outrigger Canoe races  - 8:30am  - 2pm.  Anyone planning on going (via the Charles) to help or watch will want to get out there before Cromwell Cup raceing begins!! 

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Friday, June 16, 2017

Fw: (CRAB) This weekend on the Charles

Check out the CRAB website at

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Sent: ‎Friday‎, ‎June‎ ‎16‎, ‎2017‎ ‎02‎:‎51‎:‎28‎ ‎PM‎ ‎EDT
Subject: (CRAB) This weekend on the Charles

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It looks like a fairly light weekend, no special events planned (that I can see - as alwayus if you know of something please email ).  Probably a bit more powerboat activity as people head out to see the tall ships or for a Father's Day cruise.

Enjoy your row, if you go out later in the day keep an eye out for kayaks and canoes!!


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Friday, June 9, 2017

Fw: (CRAB) This Weekend on the Charles!!

Check out the CRAB website at

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Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017, 2:47:58 PM EDT
Subject: (CRAB) This Weekend on the Charles!!

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Dragon Boat Festival!!!

Saturday 7am -2 pm
Heat races launch from MIT Pierce Boathouse, race 500 meters upstream to near Hyatt Regency Hotel.

Sunday 7am -5pm Finals launch from docks along Boston Shore between River and Western Ave Bridges.  Races are from Western Ave Bridge to about Weeks Bridge.  Course is bouyed.  Both Cambridge and Boston Shores will be crowded with presenters and spectators. Huge festival!!

If there is anything else happening this weekend or during the week, please email me - unable to access the CRAB calendar :(   Thank you.

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Friday, June 2, 2017

Fw: (CRAB) This weekend on the Charles

3 really important events of note.  Do not underestimate any of them (especially that Perkins cruise.  They arent' kidding about the wake).  Please read!!!!!

Check out the CRAB website at

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Sent: Friday, June 2, 2017, 12:45:09 PM EDT
Subject: (CRAB) This weekend on the Charles

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Saturday Charles River Swim!!!  7:30 - 9:15am

Between Mass Ave and Longfellow Bridges - no boats allowed while swimmers in the water!!! not rowers, not powerboaters - previous emails about this event have been sent out.  Bouys will be set up at 6:30 am, safety personel on the water at 7:30 - no one will be allowed through area between 7:30 and 9:15.  Please plan accordingly.

Also Saturday morning New England Paralyzed Veterans Bass fishing event - probably early morning to mid day. About 30 boats out of Newton Yacht Club mostly lurking under bridges and stopped along the shore, but also traveling the length of the river. ALL OVER THE RIVER!!  Rowers - heads up and be alert for boats and fishing lines.

Wednesday Evening 5:30 -7:30pm  Watertown Yacht Club  is hosting about 100 students from Perkins School for a river ride from the Yacht Club to the Mass Ave Bridge.   Given the wieght in the boats there will be significantly more wake than usual even at very low speeds.  Heads up everyone!!

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