Friday, September 29, 2017

Fw: (CRAB) This weekend on the Charles

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "CRAB" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 11:32 PM
Subject: (CRAB) This weekend on the Charles

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Saturday  - nothing scheduled

Sunday  - BC, BU, NU women scrimmage, buoyed course with safety launches, HOCR finish to Newton Yacht Club, a 15 minute break, then back again.  
           8:00 am  - 12 pairs
           9:00am - 5 fours
          10:00am - 10 pairs

Thank you all for accomodating any posted races, whether it's just being aware, pulling over when they pass, or changing the time of your own workout, those that are in the races do appreciate it!! As always, these notices are for your information, safety and awareness and not to prevent you from being on the river when the events occur!!


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Saturday, September 23, 2017

Fw: (CRAB) This weekend on the Charles

On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 6:37 PM, CRAB
<> wrote:

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Saturday all clear, no events planned

Sunday Head of the Kevin  7 -8:30 am Riverside run race on Head of the Charles course.  Heads up and stay clear, it's a fairly large group! 

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Friday, September 15, 2017

Heads up! Small group of eights doing a head piece, 8:45AM Sat

Thanks to NU for sending the note below.  It is always great to know when others are doing pieces and how large the group is.


Northeastern is going to run time trials for both men's and women's eights, (7 total) down the HOCR course tomorrow morning with the first boat starting at 8:45 am, last boat off the course by 9:15. We scheduled this to be done before the CRI crews make it down to Weeks. 

We will have safety launches at Eliot, and Weeks. 


Joseph Wilhelm
Head Coach, Women's Rowing
Northeastern University
Boston, MA
Cell: 617-908-8535



Fw: (CRAB) This Weekend on the Charles!!

On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 10:48 PM, CRAB
<> wrote:

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Saturday CRI Classic Regatta 10:00 -2:30 pm  Start is just upstream of Weeks and finish is in front of CRI. Rowers will start milling around the start area at 9:30am.....lots of them!!  Buoys will be set up much earlier  - 5am. Races finish with sprints in the pond at CRI.  Please plan accordingly!!

Sunday  free all day, nothing planned.


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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Fw: Charles River Clean Up Boat Fundraiser Invite

Forwarding an invite to the Charles River Clean Up Boat fundraiser.

Check out the CRAB website at

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Tom McNichol <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2017, 4:32:39 PM EDT
Subject: Charles River Clean Up Boat Fundraiser Invite

Please join us for a fundraiser for the Clean Up Boat on Wednesday, October 4th. Invite attached. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Late Breaking Event this weekend on the Charles: UBC Stake Race

See below.  Powerboaters please take note.  Its early and over quick, but you do want to use caution below Mass Ave.
Check out the CRAB website at

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Dave Ringham <>
To: "" <>; Aleks Zosuls <>; "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2017, 10:19:16 AM EDT
Subject: UBC Stake Race

Extremely sorry for the late notice, but the Rowing Committee at UBC wants me to put on the UBC Stake Race this weekend, before the Kevins start in earnest and HOCR is upon us. The plan was to run it from about 7:15-7:45 (15' earlier if possible) and set up two buoys, marking an approximately 90 degree stake turn into lane 6 on the 2k course and 300ish degree turn back towards Union. I'd have a launch set up by the upstream buoy for safety and to alert any crews headed downstream. The course is roughly shown on the flyer attached.

Let me know if there are any problems. I've already gotten in touch with Judith regarding the HPG practice timing. I want to try to contact Greg Myhr, Jeff, and Nik about their practices as well.


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Fw: Charles River Clean Up Boat - Update 17-3

News from the Cleanup boat

Check out the CRAB website at

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Tom McNichol <>
Sent: Sunday, September 3, 2017, 4:02:30 PM EDT
Subject: Charles River Clean Up Boat - Update 17-3

Charles River Clean Up Boat - Update 17-3

I am a little late with this update, but this has been a tough year.  Gradually I am getting better.  One more test, and if it is OK, I will go on a monitoring regimen.
My wife, Mary had successful surgery, but the chemo did not work.  She is now on alternative treatment, and we won't know if it is working until the third week of September. 

Yet, with me being nearly dysfunctional for the Spring, and most of the Summer, the Clean Up Boat has not missed a beat.  The captains, Mitch Lunin, Jim Jadul, Tom Soisson and Bob Gaffney, have been great.  Jim led the effort to get the new motor installed and to launch the boat on time.  He has also replace the prop twice, and we have not missed a day of operating for any reason, but weather.

Nancy and Amy have kept the schedule correct.   The volunteers have been outstanding.  They are on time, enthusiastic, and great to spend the day with.  The schedule was full around the first of August, as has been the case the last few years.

The Spring rains caused us to loose a few days, but we have been able to keep the Charles virtually free of floating trash and marine debris. We as a group are awesome, one goes down and the gap is quickly filled.  I expect the Pats will do the same thing with the loss of Eddleman for the year.

We seem to excel in all areas of operation, except fund raising.  Again, we are struggling.  One way, or another, we will make it, Cindy Brown is working on a fund raiser for the October time frame, and Deb Howe and Mike Bello are trying to find new donors.  Most of the people who donated in 2016 have again donated this year.  I expect some will still donate in 2017.

I made my 2nd trip down the river last Thursday.  Never in my 14 years of cleaning the Charles have I seen it so clean.  We searched all of the dirties spots and got less than 1/2 bag.  On the way back I could feel a great deal of pride in what we, as a group, have accomplished.

We get a lot of weird stuff from the river.  Most of which I do not consider a big deal.  But a couple of week ago, Jim and his crew capture a 4' tall, very colorful chicken.  I cannot resist attaching a photo.  No, I don't know where it came from or where it was going.

There is a nip in the air today, so fall is coming and you should take a break and enjoy our beautiful river.  Go for a sail, row, paddle, or just take a jog or walk.
No other city in the world has a metropolitan river like ours for all to enjoy.


Friday, September 1, 2017

Fw: (CRAB) This weekend on the Charles

On Fri, Sep 1, 2017 at 4:05 PM, CRAB
<> wrote:

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No racing scheduled this weekend.  New traffic pattern begins Monday - see previous CRAB email.

Watch out for kayakers and powerboats Sat, Sun, Mon as it's the last long weekend of the summer!!


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