Charles River Clean Up Boat - Update 17-3
I am a little late with this update, but this has been a tough year. Gradually I am getting better. One more test, and if it is OK, I will go on a monitoring regimen.
My wife, Mary had successful surgery, but the chemo did not work. She is now on alternative treatment, and we won't know if it is working until the third week of September.
Yet, with me being nearly dysfunctional for the Spring, and most of the Summer, the Clean Up Boat has not missed a beat. The captains, Mitch Lunin, Jim Jadul, Tom Soisson and Bob Gaffney, have been great. Jim led the effort to get the new motor installed and to launch the boat on time. He has also replace the prop twice, and we have not missed a day of operating for any reason, but weather.
Nancy and Amy have kept the schedule correct. The volunteers have been outstanding. They are on time, enthusiastic, and great to spend the day with. The schedule was full around the first of August, as has been the case the last few years.
The Spring rains caused us to loose a few days, but we have been able to keep the Charles virtually free of floating trash and marine debris. We as a group are awesome, one goes down and the gap is quickly filled. I expect the Pats will do the same thing with the loss of Eddleman for the year.
We seem to excel in all areas of operation, except fund raising. Again, we are struggling. One way, or another, we will make it, Cindy Brown is working on a fund raiser for the October time frame, and Deb Howe and Mike Bello are trying to find new donors. Most of the people who donated in 2016 have again donated this year. I expect some will still donate in 2017.
I made my 2nd trip down the river last Thursday. Never in my 14 years of cleaning the Charles have I seen it so clean. We searched all of the dirties spots and got less than 1/2 bag. On the way back I could feel a great deal of pride in what we, as a group, have accomplished.
We get a lot of weird stuff from the river. Most of which I do not consider a big deal. But a couple of week ago, Jim and his crew capture a 4' tall, very colorful chicken. I cannot resist attaching a photo. No, I don't know where it came from or where it was going.
There is a nip in the air today, so fall is coming and you should take a break and enjoy our beautiful river. Go for a sail, row, paddle, or just take a jog or walk.
No other city in the world has a metropolitan river like ours for all to enjoy.