OK sports fans, we have some high school racing on Saturday.
We'll miss the CRLS/Milton races that were cancelled.
9:30am - 10:00am, High Schoo Racing on the Powerhouse (Weeks to the Powder Magazine at Magazine Beach),
Belmont Hill JV v. Brookline
10:00AM - 11:00AM, High Schoo Racing on the Powerhouse (Weeks to the Powder Magazine at Magazine Beach),
Winsor v. Lincoln, girls fours
2:30PM - 3:30PM, High Schoo Racing on the Powerhouse (Weeks to the Powder Magazine at Magazine Beach),
Please also be reminded that Earthfest is happening at the Hatch Shell on SATURDAY, and while we haven't heard of any boating or mooring restrictions, you may want to give the area a very wide berth given the very likley high security. If you are heading by there for a workout, I'd stay a bit more out from shore than usual (taking care to NOT cross the center of the river, of course) and keep your eyes open for police boats who may not be looking at you. Better yet, stay upstream of the Mass Ave Bridge. if you plan to moor your boat and enjoy the show, look out for folks telling you what to do. I don't know that they will be there, just guessing that they might be.
And finally - these alerts pretty much just call attention to the weekend events. If you are posting events during the week, you really need to give folks a heads up that it is happening. Do not think that everyone checks the calendar every day. They don't. Posting on the calendar isn't permission, its notification. But you should ALWAYS work with your partners in CRAB and let them know if things are changing because we all want to avoid conflicts. That goes for weekend events too.
and finally, the ever evolving CRAB fine print and legalese....
CRAB is not the boss of you. We cannot tell you what to do. We offer information that we believe to be true in a good faith effort to improve awareness, communication and boating safety. And we do this because we believe that the boaters of the Charles River want a safe boating environment for all. This is not an official document from CRAB, it is informational only.