Quiet Weekend on the Charles, however, we hear rumors that a barge has appeard at the Mass Ave (formally, Harvard) Bridge. We're looking into that and will let you know when we know more, but in the meantime, use caution and watch for stray barges.
10AM - Noon: Highschool Racing in the Powerhouse (Weeks to the Powder Magazine at Magazine Beach).
BB&N v. Southfield and Lincoln
3:00PM to 4:30PM Highschool Racing in the Powerhouse (Weeks to the Powder Magazine at Magazine Beach).
Belmont Hill v. Brooks and Groten
Construction News
Anderson Bridge
The Boston shore arch remains closed for bridge work.
The Center Arch should:
- be used by rowers for DOWNSTREAM traffic only.
- be used by Powerboaters for BIDIRECTIONAL traffic
- be used cautiously by all, keeping an eye open for other boating traffic and making sure you don't wander into oncoming traffic
The Cambridge Shore Arch should:
be used by rowers for UPSTREAM traffic only, using caution to avoid booms on the shore and oncoming traffic toward the middle. NOT be used by powerboaters
BU/Grand Junction Railroad Bridge
A memo from the DCR:
Following up on the 16apr2013 meeting to discuss MBTA/SPS work on the Grand Junction Railroad Bridge over the Charles River, please be advised of the following:
- Beginning Fri03may2013 barges will occupy both span 2 (second from Cambridge-side) and span 6 (closest to the Boston-side). The barge will be moved from span 6 during non-work hours (10pm-6am).
- Span 2 occupancy is scheduled to end by Wed08may2013, after which only span 6 will be occupied.
Span 2 is where the barge currently is (30 April 2013). Span 6 is the arch with the boardwalk in it. Span 6 has the highest clearance of all the arches at the RR bridge. It is used by taller boats which do not fit under the other arches. Yacht clubs and tall boat owners, notify your members and operators that this arch will be blocked from 6AM to 10PM while it is under construction. The goal of staring this arch now is to ensure it will be open sooner. I will get an estimated finish date for arch 6.
Note that the barge will be moved to and from the work arch each day. Therefore expect around 6am and 10 pm there may be a slow moving floating piece of steel crossing the river at the bridge. It may be hard to see if you are approaching it from the other side of the bridge. It may be connected via a rope to a tug. It may throw a big wake while it is moving. As always look multiple times and take it easy when approaching the bridge. Ill try to get some details as to how it will be moved, where it will be stored etc.
Longfellow Bridge
Has barges moving in several arches. Extreme caution should be used at all times and rowers should turn above this bridge if possible and avoid it all together.
CRAB fine print and legalese.... CRAB is not the boss of you. We cannot tell you what to do. We offer information that we believe to be true in a good faith effort to improve awareness, communication and boating safety. And we do this because we believe that the boaters of the Charles River want a safe boating environment for all.
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