The Charles River Alliance of Boaters is a cooperative effort of organizations that provide boating access to the Charles River and work together to ensure a safe boating environment for all users. Whether your interest is fishing or sailing, dragon boating or rowing, sight seeing or kayaking, or powerboating, CRAB organizations can help you get there. This blog is part of a communication system to make sure all boaters are aware of events and construction projects that may impact boating.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Charles River Cleanup Boat update
Charles River Clean Up Boat
Update 13 - 3
It's been a wonderful year on the Charles. The Spring was rainy and it upset our schedule for a while, but by the end of June we were right on track
The 4th of July was a great party and a credit to the City and all the people and organizations involved in putting it on.
For the Clean Up Boat it is always a day we need to prepare for. This year, in an effort to get some new donors, we worked to get some publicity. Anne Benaquist worked hard to get articles in the Cambridge and Newton Tabs. The Metrowest Daily News wrote a nice article on the Clean Up Boat. But nary a donation materialized from these efforts. Peter DeMarco wrote an article in the Globe when we were starting (9 years ago) and it generate a number of donations that got us going. Since this was our 10th year he agreed to do another story, only if I guaranteed that there would be trash. The first time he came, we went all day and got very little trash. So I set it up for him to come right after the 4th, and we did not disappoint him. Since a number of our supporters did not see the article, I have attached a copy. By the way, David Solomon was the crew for that day, and the article included a nice picture of him. Unfortunately my crude efforts to get electronic copies of the article and attach it, resulted in the loss of that photo. My apologies.
The volunteers have been wonderful. Always on time. Always cheerful, enthusiastic and hard working. Our schedule was basically full in late July and we have had only a rare cancellation.
We are doing a great job. Last Friday, Bob Gaffney, a 10 year veteran captain of the Clean Up Boat, reported he had never seen the river so clean.
Our combined efforts have kept the river clean, for so long, that people assume it is always clean. No so, but our efforts have made it so. As always take a few moments and enjoy this unique asset that we have right in the middle of our metropolitan area.
Also, enjoy the attached Globe Article, It is about you, as it takes all of us to make it a reality.
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