August 22, 2015
Red Bull High Stakes Regatta. 500m Race (with a stake turn at the 250m) just downstream of Riverside's docks. This is a permitted event that will stop other boat traffic during racing. It looks like racing will take place from Noon until 6PM, and there are some long stretches between power boat breaks. Upstream power boaters are strongly encouraged to take a look at the race calendar found at
www . regattacentral . com/regatta/i ndex . jsp?job_id=4329&org_id=0 or google RedBull High Stakes Regatta. They are looking for volunteers too.
Fall Calendar
LABOR DAY ROWING TRAFFIC PATTERN CHANGE. Monday, September 7. The traffic pattern in the Powerhouse changes
(*) Powerhouse Stretch / Western Ave. and River Street Bridges: This area is used heavily by crews racing side-by-side, for high school and club races, and seat racing. Racing crews and scullers have right of way in this stretch. All crews and scullers, upstream and downstream, must use the right-hand arches of both bridges, going single file if not racing. The center arches are two-way to accommodate racing, with one boat in the right-hand arch, and the other to the right-hand side of the center arch. (*) Racing crews and scullers are only allowed to use the center arches if the right hand arches are concurrently used, and preferrably with a coach. From Labor Day through Thanksgiving, from 5 am until 1 pm, the center arches of Western and River street bridges are upstream only, to accommodate crews and scullers training for the Head of the Charles regatta. In the afternoon, the center arches resume being bi-directional. April 2010 Charles River Rowing Traffic Pattern Note that both ends of the race course cross just onto the wrong side of the river. Crews turning shall proceed well into the corners at the Weeks Footbridge (Cambridge) and the Railroad Tracks (Boston), being alert for and notifying approaching crews. Coaches are urged to choose their time openings carefully and proceed expeditiously
Saturday, September 12, 2015.
7:00AM - 8:00AM Heads of the Kevin I. Head of the Charles Course (BU Boathouse to about 10 strokes past the wooden boardwalk at Herter Park). this is a Riverside Club event and other folks are asked to not jump into the race. They try to keep the numbers down to manageable, and uninvited guests messes up the timing.
Saturday, August 19, 2015
10:00AM to 2:00PM CRI Fall Classic Regatta. Buoyed course from Weeks Bridge to Community Rowing.
Sunday, September 20, 2015
7:00AM - 8:00AM Heads of the Kevin II. Same drill.
Saturday, October 10, 2015
7:00 AM - 8:00AM Heads of the Kevin III. Same drill (it's a 'best two out of three' event.)
Sunday, October 11, 2015
11:30AM to 2:30PM - Head of the Quinnobequin, youth singles regatta. Weeks Bridge to North Beacon St. Bridge. This permitted regatta closes the course to other boating traffic. hundreds of kids as young as 11 compete in singles.
All Weekend, October 17 and October 18, 2015
All Day. Head of the Charles Regatta. BU Boathouse to about 10 strokes past the wooden boardwalk at Herter Park. Warm up area extends down to Mass Ave Bridge.
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