On Tuesday, October 3, 2017, expect to see buoys go in on the Eliot turn. This is done in an effort to keep river traffic separated while folks are training for the Head of the Charles Regatta - especially those out of towners that come in to practice and are not as concientious about keeping to the right side of the river as our own rowers (ahem!). Early morning rowers (aka Vampire rowers) and all pre-sunrise rowers need to keep a sharp eye for thes buoys on Wednesday and moving forward.
The buoys tend to be placed so as to allow power boats to continue to use the channel, so keep your eyes peeled for motor boats too.
Please keep in mind that today is not race day, and regular Charles River rowing rules apply when practing your Head of the Charles piece. please see the rules that your club has agreed to abide by at www.CharlesRiverAllianceofBoaters.org and look on the rowing page.
-The center arches of the Powerhouse are upstream only for rowers until Thanksgiving. Powerboats continue to use them bi-directionally so please say to the right and don't cross the center line of the river when using them.
-When heading downstream through Weeks, please make sure you or your crews are hugging the Boston shore and that you start your turn BEFORE the bridge. Please give this turn your special attention.
-When heading downstream on the Eliot Turn, please make sure that you or you or your crews are hugging the Boston shor, and that your coaching launches stay close to your crews.
Thanks to the Head of the Charles for their committement to communicating the buoy info to the River community and for working with the power boaters on this too. See Brendan's note below and his contact info if you have questions.
Yours in fall boating safety,
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Brendan Mulvey <bmulvey@hocr.org>
To: kate sullivan <kategalway@yahoo.com>
Cc: Ben Daniels <bdaniels82@gmail.com>; "rlevy@rcn.com" <rlevy@rcn.com>
Sent: Monday, October 2, 2017, 12:25:32 PM EDT
Subject: Eliot Turn Buoys
Hi All -
wanted to send a note that we are planning to install the Eliot Turn buoys tomorrow mid day.
Please let me know if there are any questions or concerns.
Brendan Mulvey
Director of Operations
Head Of The Charles® Regatta
October 21st & 22nd 2017
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