Monday, November 18, 2013

This weekend on the Charles - the first foot!

Hello Sports Fans,

Exciting action this weekend with the Women's Foot of the Charles!  This is a great spectator event so come on down!

Saturday, November 15, 2013
Women's Foot of the Charles
The first race - Varsity 4+s - is going off at 9:45 AM, with the Novice 8+ and Varsity 8+ events following at 10:45 and 11 AM.  

The race course begins at Riverside Boat Club, and ends at the Head of the Charles finish line, upstream of the canoe and kayak stand, near Artesani Park.  Boats launch from all college boathouses and some clubs.  This is the first novice race of the year so expect a little erratic steering during warmup and racing.  

Tuesday Charles river sampling

Hi Boaters

Tomorrow morning at 6AM there will be sampling going on. Samples are taken from many of the bridges. Keep an eye out for lines and voices from the bridges. Go to for more info.


Friday, November 8, 2013

Anderson Bridge Arch closures change again Cambridge closed

Hi Boaters

As of now the barge at Anderson and its associated boom have been moved to the Cambridge Arch. It is supposed to stay this way for at least a week. 

Rowers use the Head of the Charles course. Center arch upstream and Boston arch downstream. Powerboats usually use the center arch. Approach the area with caution.

Be safe, enjoy the autumn foliage,


Monday, November 4, 2013

**Important** center arch closed at Anderson as of now

Hi Boaters

We got word that the arch switch at Anderson bridge did happen this morning. 

Right now the Cambridge arch is open. There is a motor boat that the contractors use docked close to shore upstream of the bridge, Cambridge side. Be careful of that when making the turn.

Center arch is blocked with the barge.

Boston arch is open but narrow. The boom is drifting into the arch. Not sure if it will be adjusted today so be aware of it. Especially if it is dark. If it is still blocking the arch we will contact DOT.

We asked that the lights on the boom and barge be checked so hopefully it will be well lit as the sun goes down. If it isn't, someone please contact me. 

Logically the rowing traffic pattern should revert to Cambridge arch going upstream and Boston arch going downstream.

Power boats be aware that the side arches have less draft and height clearance than the center arch. Proceed with caution.

I saw the float that is to be used for the Weeks footbridge being assembled today. Keep an eye out for it. It is parked on the Cambridge shore.


Thursday, October 31, 2013

Attention!! Anderson Barrel (arch) Closures to change Monday

Hi Boaters

See the notice below about upcoming changes to the arch closures at Anderson bridge. FYI, barrels=arches to many of us.

Please be aware that the changes are not instantaneous. Meaning there will be equipment and barges at large as things are getting moved around. This will require your increased situational awareness in the vicinity of the bridge. Simplified, this means look closely where you are going and what is moving toward you. 

Also be aware that construction timelines are subject to change. Due to the uncertain nature of rehab work it is always possible that there will be a delay. 

As more information becomes available Ill forward it.

Be Safe,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Boundy, Stephanie (DOT)

MassDOT's contractor plans on switching barrels in the river on Monday, November 4, 2013 and will close the center barrel closed for approximately 3 days.

They will then  switch again on Thursday, November 7, 2013,  to have the middle barrel and the Boston barrel open and the Cambridge side barrel closed.  If you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Thanks for getting the word out!



Stephanie E. Boundy| Government & Community Affairs| MassDOT

Fw: [CRAB] This Weekend on the Charles including a Sox/Duckboat tour?

OK sports fans, Events on the Charles this weekend include:


The Armada Cup (2xs) and Peanut Butter Cup (1xs) Regattas. Costumed, mass start race from Mass Ave. Bridge to Riverside Boat Club. Doubles start at 7:45AM, singles start at 8:00AM. All non-combatants are asked to clear the course


If twitter is to believed, the 10AM Duck Boat rolling rally for the WORLD CHAMPION RED SOX!!!!!! will take a dip in the Charles at some point. Be warned, it will not only screw up traffic on the roads and bridges along the river, we might see an increase in boating visitors in the lower basin possibly up to Mass Ave if history serves - and some might come off the power boat ramp too. Advice to rowers: get your work done early.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Anderson and Weeks work starting Monday Oct 21

Hi Boaters,

Work will resume in the Boston Arch of Anderson bridge Monday 21 October. This means the boom will be deployed and the barge will be back in the arch. It will be as it was two weeks ago. 

For rowers this means upstream traffic only through the Cambridge arch, downstream traffic only through the center arch. 

On Tuesday work will begin on the Weeks footbridge. This is the bridge downstream of Anderson bridge.

Some more particulars are:
·         Work is planned to begin on Tue22oct2013 as stated below
·         The barge to be used will be a series of EZ Docks approximately 10' X 20' total
·         The barge will have only about 6-inches of freeboard (fairly low to the water)
·         The intention is to store the barge on the Cambridge side of the Basin when it's not in use
·         Mon-Fri 7am-3pm the barge is expected to be beneath the Cambridge-side span: boaters are asked to avoid this span during this time
·         Placement of silt booms under the Boston and Cambridge-side arches near the shore is required, rowers are asked to be mindful of these booms to avoid catching oars on them

Please communicate the above to any potentially interested boaters.

have a safe weekend, good luck Head of the Charles racers!


Thursday, October 10, 2013

[CRAB] This weekend on the Charles

This weekend on the Charles, a scrimmage and a regatta this weekend to be aware of.  Please adjust your schedules to work around these events.

7AM, RBC Head of the Kevin scrimmage on the Head of the Charles course (BU Boathouse to 10 strokes past the wooden bridge at Herter Park).  Should have a fair number of boats so non-participants should give a good amount of time (like half an hour or more) before arriving at the start line to do your piece.  If you are not part of this through an official channel, please don't jump in and screw up the timing.

11AM-1PM, Head of the Quinebequin, USRowing registered regatta for Youth Scullers (under 19 years old to 11 years old) sponsored by CRI, CBC, RBC, and UBC from Eliot Bridge to N. Beacon ST Bridge.  Scullers will be launching from CRI, NU, and RBC to assemble between Anderson and CBC for the Start around 11:45AM.  First boat starts at 12PM, last crew to cross the finish line about 1PM.  All scullers will return to CRI.
In the interest of safety, hometown clubs and colleges are asked to have their visitors finish any Head of the Charles course practice work by 11AM to clear the way for this regatta.
State Police will be stationed  near the public boat launching ramp/CRI and opposite Riverside Boat Club for Safety and to caution all river users to wait or proceed only with extreme caution if absolutely necessary.

And yet, ANOTHER note of caution to the rowing world as the barges have been cleared from the Anderson Bridge repair zone.  Although all three arches are open, please exercise extreme caution when navigating Anderson Bridge.  The starboard most lanes are the safest for traffic.  Crews have already been seen travelling both directions through the center arch – this isn't the time to practice the Head of the Charles course to a T. Just because you are doing a Head of the Charles timed piece does NOT mean that Head of the Charles rules are in effect.  Pass to port, not necessarily for the shortest line. Be safe out there - keep an eye out for motorized traffic using the center arch both ways as well as visiting crews which are not paying attention.  Host clubs and colleges, please make sure your guests know the rules of the river,

CRAB fine print and legalese.... CRAB is not the boss of you. We cannot tell you what to do. We offer information that we believe to be true in a good faith effort to improve awareness, communication and boating safety. And we do this because we believe that the boaters of the Charles River want a safe boating environment for all. This is not an official document from CRAB, it is informational only.


[CRAB] All three arches at Anderson are now open

Hi Boaters

We just got word that all three arches at Anderson bridge are now open through the Head of the Charles. The race is October 19-20th. After that things will probably change.

There are people who may not get the word or will just plain forget that it is open. They may head downstream through the center arch. Rowers, I recommend keep using the Cambridge arch heading upstream for practice. Use the Boston shore arch downstream. 

Worried about your race day navigation points? You can still locate them if you use the shore arch. Look at an aerial view map, to have the fastest line toward the big Cambridge BC turn you get pretty close to shore right after Anderson. If you are pointing at Newell for any significant amount of time your race will be longer.

Big thank you to the Mass DOT for making sure the arches will be open for the Head of the Charles.

Stay safe,


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

IMPORTANT ALERT! Please read. Anderson Bridge Traffic Pattern alert.

The State has informed us that all three spans of the Anderson Bridge will open for Regatta week, by the end of work on Friday.  Which means, all three spans should be open for rowing on Saturday morning.

As soon as all three spans are open, the ROWING traffic pattern will revert to the standard traffic pattern as written below:

Anderson: In each direction, crews and scullers shall use the right-hand arch. The center arch is for upstream crews and scullers only to avoid boats launching from Weld Boathouse.

Power boats will continue, as always, to use the center arch bi-directionally.  

Please be sure that the Boston arch is, in fact, open before reverting to the standard traffic pattern and please continue to use caution in this area.  Also, if you see rowers continuing to use the Center Arch as a downstream arch, please take the initiative to kindly correct them immediately.

Work will continue on Anderson bridge immediately following the regatta, so expect an arch closure on Monday morning.  We believe that the Cambridge Arch will close, but be on your toes in case things go differently.
 And as an aside, the third Head of the Kevin will take place bright and early Saturday morning (off the line at 7AM). Race organizers will check out the course prior to the event but... the right hand arch is the safest.

CRAB fine print and legalese.... CRAB is not the boss of you. We cannot tell you what to do. We offer information that we believe to be true in a good faith effort to improve awareness, communication and boating safety. And we do this because we believe that the boaters of the Charles River want a safe boating environment for all. This is not an official document from CRAB, it is informational only. 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

This weekend on the Charles...and other stuff

Hello Sports Fans, a few scrimmages this weekend to be aware of. Please adjust your schedules to work around these events. SATURDAY 7AM, CBC/UBC scrimmage on the Head of the Charles course (BU Boathouse to 10 strokes past the wooden bridge at Herter Park). Should have a fair number of boats so non-participants should give a good amount of time (like half an hour or more) before arriving at the start line to do your piece. If you are not part of this through an official channel, please don't jump in and screw up the timing. 9AM, BU v. BC fours scrimmage on the Head of the Charles course (BU Boathouse to 10 strokes past the wooden bridge at Herter Park). Not sure of numbers, but again, give them a wide berth. and yet, ANOTHER note of caution to the rowing world Just because you are doing a Head of the Charles timed piece does NOT mean that Head of the Charles rules are in effect. It does not matter if the quicker line on the Magazine Beach turn or from Weeks to Anderson is to pass on the right - you are supposed to pass on the left. And, even if you are doing a timed piece, you can't just run over the slower boat in front of you at Anderson where there is only one arch with an obstruction on the upstream side. I won't go into the details of a sculler taking refuge in front of the abutment (to the center of passing boats), but we need to do better than we have been. Yesterday, several clubs were involved in not giving way for overtaking boats on the big turn. When one boat does not want to give way, and the next boat sticks their bow inside to get the inside of turn, that equals 2 boats way on the wrong side of the river. Seriously people, just give way. Or, if a boat is really being a jerk and doesn't give way, and you stick your bow to the inside to take the inside of the turn, at least have the decency to shove the other boat (and yourself) back over to the right side of the river. Bottom line. Please refresh your memory of the sculler impaled by an eight, detailed in the attached New England Journal of Medicine article and be sure to get a good look at the photos - and then act accordingly. CRAB fine print and legalese.... CRAB is not the boss of you. We cannot tell you what to do. We offer information that we believe to be true in a good faith effort to improve awareness, communication and boating safety. And we do this because we believe that the boaters of the Charles River want a safe boating environment for all. This is not an official document from CRAB, it is informational only.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Union Boat Club Stake Race, Saturday, Sept. 14 at 7:30AM

Please alert your memberships to the following event taking place Saturday, Sept. 14 at 7:30AM. Please avoid the race course outllined below, and use caution if in the area. Union Boat Club stake race, Start from the Union Boat Club Lagoon - race directly across the basin towards memorial drive - turn around a stake and head towards Mass Ave Bridge, make another turn before Mass Ave around another stake, and race home to a finishing dock just outside the UBC lagoon. The turns will be marked and we will have extra launches to guide rowers. CRAB fine print and legalese.... CRAB is not the boss of you. We cannot tell you what to do. We offer information that we believe to be true in a good faith effort to improve awareness, communication and boating safety. And we do this because we believe that the boaters of the Charles River want a safe boating environment for all. This is not an official document from CRAB, it is informational only.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Anderson Bridge ALERT, traffic pattern changes coming.

See the note from Mass DOT below regarding changes to the arch closure at Anderson Bridge. We'll have to do some adjustments through the fall as they plan on Monday, Sept 16 to open Boston and close the center for a week. On Monday, Sept 23, they plan to open the Center and close Cambridge. Note the use of the word 'approximately', so please keep your eyes open in case these changes happen a little early, or a little late. and finally, the ever evolving CRAB fine print and legalese.... CRAB is not the boss of you. We cannot tell you what to do. We offer information that we believe to be true in a good faith effort to improve awareness, communication and boating safety. And we do this because we believe that the boaters of the Charles River want a safe boating environment for all. This is not an official document from CRAB, it is informational only. ----- Forwarded Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, September 10, 2013 8:49 AM Subject: Anderson Bridge barrel move MassDOT’s contractor plans on switching barrels in the river on Monday, September 16, 2013, to have the middle barrel closed for approximately one week and the Boston and Cambridge side open. At this time they plan on switching again on Monday, Sept. 23, 2013, to have the middle barrel and the Boston barrel open and the Cambridge side barrel closed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Longfellow Bridge work, NOTICE from dcr.

Boaters, This week the joint venture White, Skanska, Consigli (WSC) is scheduled to be working in the water in the vicinity of the Longfellow Bridge. Specifically, barges will be beneath span 5 and span 7 (the spans immediately on either side of the “salt and pepper” towers). Next week it is planned that the navigation channel will be relocated to span 5 (the span immediately on the Boston side of the “salt and pepper” towers on the Boston-side of the Bridge). At that time the usual navigation channel between the “salt and pepper” towers is scheduled to be closed to navigation for several months. Additionally, there will be continued frequent barge activity in the vicinity of the Longfellow Bridge. Mariners should exercise heightened care in the area. Please convey the above information to any and all interested parties. Thank you. William A. Gode-von Aesch, Director Flood Control Management and Navigational Operations Section Bureau of Engineering Department of Conservation and Recreation Charles River Dam 250 Warren Avenue Charlestown, MA 02129

Friday, August 30, 2013

Dave the Date for the Head of the.....Q!

Save the Date! Sunday, October 13th at Noon, for the first of its kind Head of the Quinobequin youth single sculls regatta, hosted by Cambridge Boat Club, Community Rowing, Riverside Boat Club and Union Boat Club. The course is short, from Eliot Bridge to North Beacon St. Bridge. Launching will take place from a few locations along the river, but all land based staging, including post-race celebration and awards ceremony will take place at Community Rowing, Inc. The on-water window is short, 11:30AM to 1:30PM, and a large number of safety launches managing the course and starting area. Please adjust your boating plans accordingly to accomodate this event. Registration and information for the limited number of entries for this innaugural year available on Regatta Central starting Tuesday. Special thanks to the Head of the Charles Regatta, Charles River Canoe and Kayak, Newton and Watertown Yacht Clubs and Northeastern U. for being gracious and supportive neighbors and for their help and input in making this (on-their-doorstep) event possible.

Traffic Pattern Changes and Bridge Construction update.

Please share this information with your memberships and anyone else who may be interested. It is that time if year again, starting this Monday on Labor Day, when the standard use of the River and Western Ave bridges changes for the rowing community. See the excerpt from the traffic pattern document below. Please be sure that you know and understand this traffic pattern, and row accordingly. Power boaters will continue to use the center arches in both directions. (*) Powerhouse Stretch / Western Ave. and River Street Bridges: This area is used heavily by crews racing side-by-side, for high school and club races, and seat racing. Racing crews and scullers have right of way in this stretch. All crews and scullers, upstream and downstream, must use the right-hand arches of both bridges, going single file if not racing. The center arches are two-way to accommodate racing, with one boat in the right-hand arch, and the other to the right-hand side of the center arch. (*) Racing crews and scullers are only allowed to use the center arches if the right hand arches are concurrently used, and preferably with a coach. From Labor Day through Thanksgiving, from 5 am until 1 pm, the center arches of Western and River street bridges are upstream only, to accommodate crews and scullers training for the Head of the Charles regatta. In the afternoon, the center arches resume being bi-directional. Anderson The Boston arch remains closed and will be for some weeks. We are working with the State (DOT in this case) to try to get an idea of how many more weeks, as this is head race season, and we will have many visitors to the river over the next 2 months. You will know more when we know more. But in the meantime, the center arch remains a downstream arch only for the rowing community. upstream traffic should continue to use the Cambridge arch. Powerboaters will continue to use the center arch in both directions. we have 2 requests for all rowing clubs and programs: please be sure to share this information with your members and ask them to follow the recommended traffic pattern. Please be sure to alert persons requesting launch access from your club, to row the Head of the Charles course, of this situation and ask for their compliance as well. Since the race course uses that arch as THE racing arch in an upstream direction, and because most boats swing wide to Boston to get a good line on this arch, this presents significant opportunity for collision. It may be wise to recommend to anyone requesting launch access to practice the course, that they wait until the Boston arch is open. Please take every opportunity to be sure that all visitors are aware of this situation. Be advised that it is possible that visitors will launch for sites other than boathouses and may not be aware of the change in traffic pattern. In particular, people who wet-launch from Magazine Beach may not even be aware that the Boston arch is closed. Everyone should use caution when using the center arch of Anderson bridge. All three arches will be open for the Head of the Charles Regatta. Weeks Several boaters have attended the Weeks meetings to advocate to the State (dcr in this case) that the Charles River remains safe and accessible for boating throughout construction. We are awaiting word on the start date of work and order of arch closings. When we know more, you'll know more. Longfellow Currently, the Cambridge side spans of the Bridge are closed, but that is slated to change September 2, according to the advisory sent by the State. Rowers are encouraged to turn before the bridge. When we know more, you'll know more. and finally, the ever evolving CRAB fine print and legalese.... CRAB is not the boss of you. We cannot tell you what to do. We offer information that we believe to be true in a good faith effort to improve awareness, communication and boating safety. And we do this because we believe that the boaters of the Charles River want a safe boating environment for all. This is not an official document from CRAB, it is informational only.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Charles River Cleanup Boat update

Charles River Clean Up Boat Update 13 - 3 It's been a wonderful year on the Charles. The Spring was rainy and it upset our schedule for a while, but by the end of June we were right on track The 4th of July was a great party and a credit to the City and all the people and organizations involved in putting it on. For the Clean Up Boat it is always a day we need to prepare for. This year, in an effort to get some new donors, we worked to get some publicity. Anne Benaquist worked hard to get articles in the Cambridge and Newton Tabs. The Metrowest Daily News wrote a nice article on the Clean Up Boat. But nary a donation materialized from these efforts. Peter DeMarco wrote an article in the Globe when we were starting (9 years ago) and it generate a number of donations that got us going. Since this was our 10th year he agreed to do another story, only if I guaranteed that there would be trash. The first time he came, we went all day and got very little trash. So I set it up for him to come right after the 4th, and we did not disappoint him. Since a number of our supporters did not see the article, I have attached a copy. By the way, David Solomon was the crew for that day, and the article included a nice picture of him. Unfortunately my crude efforts to get electronic copies of the article and attach it, resulted in the loss of that photo. My apologies. The volunteers have been wonderful. Always on time. Always cheerful, enthusiastic and hard working. Our schedule was basically full in late July and we have had only a rare cancellation. We are doing a great job. Last Friday, Bob Gaffney, a 10 year veteran captain of the Clean Up Boat, reported he had never seen the river so clean. Our combined efforts have kept the river clean, for so long, that people assume it is always clean. No so, but our efforts have made it so. As always take a few moments and enjoy this unique asset that we have right in the middle of our metropolitan area. Also, enjoy the attached Globe Article, It is about you, as it takes all of us to make it a reality.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

DCR Boating Advisory - Longfellow Bridge, Cambridge side, closed to boating traffic

Boating Advisory: Closure of Cambridge Side of Longfellow Bridge to Vessel Traffic WHAT: Beginning, Monday August 26, 2013, The Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) will restrict vessel traffic on the Cambridge side of the Longfellow Bridge. This restriction is to help facilitate the Massachusetts Department of Transportation’s (MassDOT) work on Spans 7 through 10 of the Longfellow Bridge. During this time, vessels will still be able to travel the Boston side of the Longfellow Bridge. WHEN: Monday, August 26, through Monday, September 2, 2013 WHERE: Longfellow Bridge, Cambridge

Friday, May 17, 2013

This Weekend on the Charles

 OK  sports fans, we have some high school racing on Saturday.
We'll miss the CRLS/Milton races that were cancelled.
9:30am - 10:00am, High Schoo Racing on the Powerhouse (Weeks to the Powder Magazine at Magazine Beach),
Belmont Hill JV v. Brookline
10:00AM - 11:00AM, High Schoo Racing on the Powerhouse (Weeks to the Powder Magazine at Magazine Beach),
 Winsor v. Lincoln, girls fours
2:30PM  - 3:30PM, High Schoo Racing on the Powerhouse (Weeks to the Powder Magazine at Magazine Beach),
Please also be reminded that Earthfest is happening at the Hatch Shell on SATURDAY, and while we haven't heard of any boating or mooring restrictions, you may want to give the area a very wide berth given the very likley high security.  If you are heading by there for a workout, I'd stay a bit more out from shore than usual (taking care to NOT cross the center of the river, of course) and keep your eyes open for police boats who may not be looking at you.  Better yet, stay upstream of the Mass Ave Bridge.  if you plan to moor your boat and enjoy the show, look out for folks telling you what to do.  I don't know that they will be there, just guessing that they might be.
And finally - these alerts pretty much just call attention to the weekend events.  If you are posting events during the week, you really need to give folks a heads up that it is happening.  Do not think that everyone checks the calendar every day.  They don't.  Posting on the calendar isn't permission, its notification.  But you should ALWAYS work with your partners in CRAB and let them know if things are changing because we all want to avoid conflicts.  That goes for weekend events too.
and finally, the ever evolving CRAB fine print and legalese....
CRAB is not the boss of you.  We cannot tell you what to do.  We offer information that we believe to be true in a good faith effort to improve awareness, communication and boating safety.  And we do this because we believe that the boaters of the Charles River want a safe boating environment for all.  This is not an official document from CRAB, it is informational only.

Friday, May 10, 2013

This Weekend on the Charles

Quiet Weekend on the Charles, however, we hear rumors that a barge has appeard at the Mass Ave (formally, Harvard) Bridge. We're looking into that and will let you know when we know more, but in the meantime, use caution and watch for stray barges.
10AM - Noon:  Highschool Racing in the Powerhouse (Weeks to the Powder Magazine at Magazine Beach).
BB&N v. Southfield and Lincoln
3:00PM to 4:30PM  Highschool Racing in the Powerhouse (Weeks to the Powder Magazine at Magazine Beach).
Belmont Hill v. Brooks and Groten
Construction News
Anderson Bridge
The Boston shore arch remains closed for bridge work. 
The Center Arch should:
  • be used by rowers for DOWNSTREAM traffic only. 
  • be used by Powerboaters for BIDIRECTIONAL traffic
  • be used cautiously by all, keeping an eye open for other boating traffic and making sure you don't wander into oncoming traffic
The Cambridge Shore Arch should:
be used by rowers for UPSTREAM traffic only, using caution to avoid booms on the shore and oncoming traffic toward the middle. NOT be used by powerboaters
BU/Grand Junction Railroad Bridge
A memo from the DCR:

       Following up on the 16apr2013 meeting to discuss MBTA/SPS work on the Grand Junction Railroad Bridge over the Charles River, please be advised of the following:
  •      Beginning Fri03may2013 barges will occupy both span 2 (second from Cambridge-side) and span 6 (closest to the Boston-side).  The barge will be moved from span 6 during non-work hours (10pm-6am).
  •      Span 2 occupancy is scheduled to end by Wed08may2013, after which only span 6 will be occupied.

Span 2 is where the barge currently is (30 April 2013). Span 6 is the arch with the boardwalk in it. Span 6 has the highest clearance of all the arches at the RR bridge. It is used by taller boats which do not fit under the other arches. Yacht clubs and tall boat owners, notify your members and operators that this arch will be blocked from 6AM to 10PM while it is under construction. The goal of staring this arch now is to ensure it will be open sooner. I will get an estimated finish date for arch 6.

Note that the barge will be moved to and from the work arch each day. Therefore expect around 6am and 10 pm there may be a slow moving floating piece of steel crossing the river at the bridge. It may be hard to see if you are approaching it from the other side of the bridge. It may be connected via a rope to a tug. It may throw a big wake while it is moving.  As always look multiple times and take it easy when approaching the bridge. Ill try to get some details as to how it will be moved, where it will be stored etc.
Longfellow Bridge
Has barges moving in several arches.  Extreme caution should be used at all times and rowers should turn above this bridge if possible and avoid it all together.
CRAB fine print and legalese.... CRAB is not the boss of you.  We cannot tell you what to do.  We offer information that we believe to be true in a good faith effort to improve awareness, communication and boating safety.  And we do this because we believe that the boaters of the Charles River want a safe boating environment for all.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

This Weekend on the Charles

 This weekend on the Charles

****A word to powerboaters.  If you could please maintain no-wake speed when traveling along race courses during race times, especially in the basin where the boats seem far away but your wake still hits them, it would be much appreciated.  

7:00Harvard HMV4
24Radcliffe OWV4B
36Harvard HM3V
8:00Harvard HM1F H Live Stream
12Radcliffe OW3V
36Radcliffe OWV4AH Live Stream
48Harvard HM2V
9:00BU OW2V
12Harvard HM1VH Live Stream
24Radcliffe OW2V
48Radcliffe OW1VH Live Stream
10AM to 11AM:  High School Racing in the Powerhouse (Weeks to the Powderhouse at Magazine Beach).

11AM to Noon:  High  School Racing in the Powerhouse (Weeks to the Powderhouse at Magazine Beach)
The Ducey cup.  Brookline High v. BB&M


7:00AM to 10AM:  College Racing on the 2k course, (Longfellow to BU Bridges)
Unsure of the schedule but it is happening.

upriver and downriver racing and lots of it. See the website for more detials.   Races include the following:  
• 26-Mile Professional Marathon, $5,000 in cash prizes
• 24-Mile Corporate Relay
• 24-Mile Non-Corporate Relay - government, women, mixed and open classes
• 19-Mile Races
• 9-Mile Races
• 6-Mile Races
• Paddleboard divisions
Barge ALERTS and Traffic Pattern Info
Anderson Bridge - TEMPORARY TRAFFIC PATTERN CHANGE IN EFFECT.  Boston arch is closed.  The Center Arch is dedicated DOWNSTREAM ONLY for rowing, it remains bi-directional for powerboats.  There is also an inflatable boom on the Cambridge shore, just upstream on the bridge, pushing crews heading upstream toward the middle.  All boats should use caution, whether heading upstream or down, and take care to not wander into oncoming traffic.
BU/Grand Juncion Railroad Bridge - Emergency repairs continue.  Currently, the barge is blocking the main, Cambridge side arch.  But the shore arch is open and clear enough for an eight.  Please use caution.  CRAB folks are working with the State to get construction updates.

Longfellow Bridge - Barges at work.  No traffic pattern changes, but use extreme caution  -  or better yet, rowers should just turn before this bridge.  This is going to be 3 years of major construction so do yourself a favor and turn before the bridge.  CRAB folks are meeting with the state to get a better handle on this project to ensure safe boating for powerboaters paddlers, and rowers who opt to go through - but let me say it one more time, rowers should just get used to turning before this bridge.
not so fine print and legalese.... CRAB is not the boss of you.  We cannot tell you what to do.  We offer information that we believe to be true in a good faith effort to improve awareness, communication and boating safety.  And we do this because we believe that the boaters of the Charles River want a safe boating environment for all.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

This Weekend on the Charles with TRAFFIC PATTERN UPDATES!

LOTS going on this weekend on the Charles, especially on saturday.
BARGES! and construction alerts.
Please follow the suggested traffic pattern below, noting changes:
Anderson Bridge - TEMPORARY TRAFFIC PATTERN CHANGE  Boston arch is closed.  The Center Arch is dedicated DOWNSTREAM ONLY for rowing. The center arch remains bi-directional for powerboats.  There is also an inflatable boom on the Cambridge shore, just upstream on the bridge, pushing crews heading upstream toward the middle.  All boats should use caution and PADDLE PRESSURE ONLY, whether heading upstream or down, and take care to not wander into oncoming traffic.
BU/Grand Juncion Railroad Bridge - Emergency repairs continue.  Currently, the barge is blocking the main, Cambridge side arch but the shore arch is open for upstream traffic, with caution, and wide enough for an eight.  Please use the Cambridge Shore arch, with caution, for all upstream traffic.   CRAB folks have met with representatives from multiple state agencies and the contractor to improve notification of when the barges move.  notification will be forwarded.  
Longfellow Bridge - Barges at work.  No traffic pattern changes, but use extreme caution  -  or better yet, rowers should just turn before this bridge.  This is going to be 3 years of major construction so do yourself a favor and turn before the bridge.  CRAB folks are meeting with the state to get a better handle on this project to ensure safe boating for powerboaters paddlers, and rowers who opt to go through - but let me say it one more time, rowers should just get used to turning before this bridge.

6:30am - 11:30AM College Racing on the 2k course, Longfellow to BU Bridges.
MIT open women vs. Umass. 5 slots. Late a.m. Total slots: 25 Start Teams Event 6:40am HVL 2F 6:50am BU HM 3V/2F 7:00am HVL 3V 7:10am BU HM 4V 7:20am HVL 1F 7:30am BU HM 3V/1F 7:40am HVL 2V 7:50am BU HM 2V 8:00am HVL 1V 8:10am BU HM 1V 8:20am RAD LW 1V 8:30am MIT LW 1V 8:40am RAD LW 2V 8:50am MIT LW 2V 9:00am RAD LW 1N 9:10am MIT LW 1N/V4 9:20am RAD LW V4 9:30am MIT OW 1V 9:40am BU LW 1V 9:50am MIT OW 2V 10:00am BU LW 2V 10:10am MIT OW V4 10:20am BU LW V4 10:30am MIT OW V4 B 10:40am 10:50am MIT OW 3V8 11:00am 11:10am
9am to Noon, Earth Day Cleanup - taking part all along the Charles.  Some on water cleanup may take place.
The Earthday cleanup will be running from 9am to noon.  the planned 100+ Canoes and kayaks are cancelled, but their may be a handful of canoes/kayakers participating.  College coaches participating in races on the 2k course and in the Powerhouse Stretch are urged to keep a watch out for small boats.  All rowers are urged to alert all home and visiting crewst that they may encounter canoes and kayakers unfamiliar with the Charles traffic patterns on their way to the start line.  Everyone should use caution, particularly in work areas.
10AM to Noon.  NCDS v.CRLS (JV)
either in the Powerhouse, (Weeks to the Powderhouse at Magazine Beach) or the CRI stretch, (North Beacon to the Perkins Tower)
1PM to 3PM.  BC High v. St. Pauls and Tabor
1500 m in Basin (I think that means Longfellow to the painted stripe on the wall past the MIT boathouse, but I'm not really sure - ks).
2PM to 3PM.  BB&N, Groten, Nobles, Porters in the Powerhouse (Weeks to the powder magazine on Magazine Beach).
3PM to 5PM, Brookline High v. Pomfret, on the Powerhouse (Weeks to the powder magazing on Magazine Beach).
7:15AM to 10:15AM - College Racing on the 2k course, Longfellow to BU Bridges
Lightweight Women Invite (MIT/Radcliffe/BU/Princeton/Wisco/Stanford/UMass) 4 slots early a.m., 5 slots late a.m. Total slots: 9 Start Teams Event 7:00am LW Invite 2V H1 7:20am LW Invite 2V H2 7:40am LW Invite 1V H1 8:00am LW Invite 1V H2 9:20am LW Invite 2V PF 9:40am LW Invite 2V GF 10:00am LW Invite 1V PF 10:20am LW Invite 1V GF

Friday, April 12, 2013

This Weekend on the Charles and Traffic Pattern and Barge ALERTS!

Thanks to Stacey for the updated info on Saturday.  Here is the full schedule for the weekend including college and high school racing, but first, a few ALERTS to just remind everyone of what is going on.
Anderson Bridge - TEMPORARY TRAFFIC PATTERN CHANGE IN EFFECT.  Boston arch is closed.  The Center Arch is dedicated DOWNSTREAM ONLY for rowing, it remains bi-directional for powerboats.  There is also an inflatable boom on the Cambridge shore, just upstream on the bridge, pushing crews heading upstream toward the middle.  All boats should use caution, whether heading upstream or down, and take care to not wander into oncoming traffic.
BU/Grand Juncion Railroad Bridge - TEMPORARY TRAFFIC PATTERN CHANGE IN EFFECT.  Emergency repairs continue.  Currently, the barge is blocking the main, Cambridge side arch.  Of the three arches on the Boston side, the Cambride most arch is dedicated UPSTREAM.  The middle of the three arches is dedicated DOWNSTREAM and the Boston shore-most arch is still bi-directional for Powerboaters.   Upstream traffic may use the Cambridge shore arch but with  extreme caution.  It is narrow, shallow, and a tree partially obstructs the travel lane.  CRAB folks are meeting with the State to get a better handle on this emergency work and better notification and cooperation with the boating community.
Longfellow Bridge - Barges at work.  No traffic pattern changes, but use extreme caution  -  or better yet, rowers should just turn before this bridge.  This is going to be 3 years of major construction so do yourself a favor and turn before the bridge.  CRAB folks are meeting with the state to get a better handle on this project to ensure safe boating for powerboaters paddlers, and rowers who opt to go through - but let me say it one more time, rowers should just get used to turning before this bridge.

7:00AM to 11:45AM - College Racing on the 2k course, Longfellow to BU Bridges.
The schedule for this Saturday’s racing is pasted below.  The conditions are such that we cannot set stakeboats today – we’re worried they may sink.  We’re planning to set them tomorrow morning – we’ll pick up 2 from MIT.
6:05 a.m.
OFFICER OF THE DAY: Early, NU Men; Late: BU women
STAKEBOATS SET (  4  ): BU Women
STAKEBOATS PULL: BU Women, Possibly leave 2 for HVL
STAKEBOAT PEOPLE: Early: BU Men; Late: BU Women
BU men vs. Northeastern.  5 slots.  Early a.m.
BU open women vs. Yale, Dartmouth, Clemson. 5 slots.  Late a.m.
Harvard heavy men vs. Brown. 5 slots.
Total slots: 15
Harvard HM
Harvard HM
Harvard HM
Harvard HM
Harvard HM
70th Oberg Trophy (Gr. Boston) @ BU 
10:00AM - NOON  -  NCDS Vs. Lincoln And Southfield , CRI Stretch, No. Beacon To Perkins Tower'
10:00AM - NOON  - Belmont Hill timetrials in the Powerhouse, Weeks to Powderhouse at Magazine Beach.
3:00PM - 4:00PM   - BB&N v. Deerfield in the Powerhouse, Weeks to the Powderhouse at Magazine Beach.
College racing on the 2k course, Longfellow to BU Bridges
7:00AM to 9:00AM Harvard light men vs. Dartmouth. 5 slots. (Backup site to Hanover race)
Start Teams Event 7:30am HVL 7:50am HVL 8:10am HVL 8:30am HVL 8:50am HVL
