Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Fw: [CRAB] Fw: (CRAB) Alert! Anderson Bridge Traffic Pattern Change!!!

On Tuesday, July 28, 2015 10:14 AM, "Boyne, Dan" <boyne@fas.harvard.edu> wrote:

To All Boaters:

Sweet Shop (a Film Production Company based out of Los Angeles) will be filming scenes for a commercial on the Charles River between the hours of 6am and 9pm on Wednesday, July 29th through Friday, July 31st.  Our filming will take place in various areas between Community Rowing and the Weeks Footbridge.  At some points during the course of the shoot, we will be working with the State Police-Marine Unit in holding one direction of river traffic for short periods of time.

Many thanks and please feel free to call or e-mail should you have any questions.


Jeff MacLean
Location Manager

Eliquis Commercial-Boston Unit
Sweet Shop

From: CharlesRiverAllianceofBoaters@yahoogroups.com [CharlesRiverAllianceofBoaters@yahoogroups.com] on behalf of kate sullivan kategalway@yahoo.com [CharlesRiverAllianceofBoaters] [CharlesRiverAllianceofBoaters-noreply@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 9:29 AM
To: Riverside Members; Talk RBC; CRAB
Subject: [CRAB] Fw: (CRAB) Alert! Anderson Bridge Traffic Pattern Change!!!

Check out the CRAB website at www.charlesriverallianceofboaters.org

On Tuesday, July 28, 2015 9:28 AM, CRAB via CRAB <CRAB@groupspaces.com> wrote:

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The good people at the State have informed us that the Center Arch of Anderson will reopen tomorrow, Wednesday, July 29th and the Boston Arch will close. This could mean that the change will occur prior to morning rowing hours or after.  Bottom line, turn around and take a good look.

This means a change in the rowing traffic pattern.
  • Center Arch will be used for downstream traffic only! while watching out for powerboaters who use the center arch bi-directionally.
  • Cambridge Arch will be used for upstream traffic only (as usual).
Please be sure that everyone in your group is aware of this change.  If you see someone headed for the wrong arch, give a shout.



  1. Eyes open for filming, next three days
  2. Dock Repair Continues at Riverside and NU

1. Eyes open for filming, next three days

 There will be a filming on the river over the next three days that may utilize barges.  Please keep your eyes open as times and locations are unclear.

2. Dock Repair Continues at Riverside and NU

Riverside Boat Club continues its dock work.  Be prepared for long lines waiting to land at the dock due to its shortened size, so everyone use caution on that corner.  If heading downstream, stay well to your side to allow room for upstream traffic to steer clear.
NU is also under construction.  Watch out for the barge.

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Posted by: kate sullivan <kategalway@yahoo.com>
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Fw: (CRAB) Alert! Anderson Bridge Traffic Pattern Change!!!

Check out the CRAB website at www.charlesriverallianceofboaters.org

On Tuesday, July 28, 2015 9:28 AM, CRAB via CRAB <CRAB@groupspaces.com> wrote:

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The good people at the State have informed us that the Center Arch of Anderson will reopen tomorrow, Wednesday, July 29th and the Boston Arch will close. This could mean that the change will occur prior to morning rowing hours or after.  Bottom line, turn around and take a good look.

This means a change in the rowing traffic pattern.
  • Center Arch will be used for downstream traffic only! while watching out for powerboaters who use the center arch bi-directionally.
  • Cambridge Arch will be used for upstream traffic only (as usual).
Please be sure that everyone in your group is aware of this change.  If you see someone headed for the wrong arch, give a shout.



  1. Eyes open for filming, next three days
  2. Dock Repair Continues at Riverside and NU

1. Eyes open for filming, next three days

 There will be a filming on the river over the next three days that may utilize barges.  Please keep your eyes open as times and locations are unclear.

2. Dock Repair Continues at Riverside and NU

Riverside Boat Club continues its dock work.  Be prepared for long lines waiting to land at the dock due to its shortened size, so everyone use caution on that corner.  If heading downstream, stay well to your side to allow room for upstream traffic to steer clear.
NU is also under construction.  Watch out for the barge.

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Thursday, July 23, 2015

Fw: (CRAB) Whats news on the Charles

Check out the CRAB website at www.charlesriverallianceofboaters.org

On Thursday, July 23, 2015 2:27 PM, CRAB via CRAB <CRAB@groupspaces.com> wrote:

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Hey folks, we don't know what is happening unless you tell us.  And while we try to catch on as quickly as possible, we really need you to send information on your events to us.  Don't hold back, it is better to overshare on this one.
Also, if you see something, like a barge sitting in the river that CRAB has not mentioned, or changes in a construction project that impacts the traffic pattern - please send us an email at CharlesRiverAllianceofBoaters@gm ail.com  


Construction Updates

 Riverside dock work is underway.  Use caution in that area and expect to encounter long lines of boats waiting to dock on the significantly shortened dock.  Seriously, its like exit 17 on the Pike.  Steer clear!
Northeastern's dock work has begun or is starting soon.  A barge is involved.  Give'em room!
Anderson Bridge is now open in the shore arches, and the center arch is closed.  While this makes the traffic pattern intuitive for the rowers, the Powerboaters are in a bit of a quandry.  They are more likley to use the Boston arch in both directions, but the powerboaters using the public ramp are wild cards and who knows which arch they will opt for.  Use caution and keep your eyes open.
Longfellow Bridge is ongoing.  Avoid if at all possible, use the marked channel if not.
July 29, 30, 31
Big filming on the river, likely starting after 8AM but always subject to change.  WILL LIKELY USE A BARGE.  Will forward times and locations as soon as they become available.

Saturday, August 22, 2015
Red Bull High Stakes Regatta.  250m from Riverside Docks toward Magazine Beach, round a buoy and back.  This is definitely a spectator event if only for the sheer lunacy of a 250m sprint, stake turn and dash back.  For the sailors canoe/kayakers and powerboaters reading this, this will be something to see, for sure.

September 13, 2015
TENTATIVE!  7AM to 9AM Head of the Kevin I, on the Head of the Charles course (BU Boathouse to about 10 strokes past the wooden boardwalk at Herter park.  

September 19,2015
10AM to 2PM, CRI Fall Classic Regatta, Weeks Bridge to CRI.

September 27, 2015
TENTATIVE!  7AM to 9AM.  Head of the Kevin II, on the Head of the Charles course (BU Boathouse to about 10 strokes past the wooden boardwalk at Herter Park.

October 10, 2015
TENTATIVE!  7AM to 9AM.  Head of the Kevin III on the Head of the Charles course (BU Boathouse to about 10 strokes past the wooden boardwalk at Herter Park.

October 11, 2015
Noon to 2PM.  Head of the Quinnobequin youth singles regatta.  Weeks Bridge to Community Rowing.  This singles regatta (thats a boat, not a status people) attracts lots of youth rowers from the area.

October 17, 18, 2015
7AM to 6PM Head of the Charles Regatta. 

And still looking for dates for the Feet, the Peanut Butter Cup/Armada Cup and any other fall events.
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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

ALERT! Anderson Bridge Center Arch closing, Cambridge Arch opening wednesday

The good people at the State have let us know (see below) that the Center arch will close Wednesday, and the Cambridge Arch will open.  The last change occurred by the morning row of the day they were going to change.  So, be on your toes Tuesday afternoon through Wednesday evening and beyond.
The contractor at the Anderson Bridge will be reopening the Cambridge barrel and closing the center barrel on Wednesday morning the 22nd.  The center barrel will remain closed for the next several days.  Please notify the boating community of the upcoming changes.
Thanks for your help, 

Check out the CRAB website at www.charlesriverallianceofboaters.org

Monday, July 13, 2015

Fw: (CRAB) Anderson Bridge Traffic Pattern Change Alert

See the note below regarding Anderson Bridge.  Please keep in mind that when they tell us that the Arch access will change on Wednesday, that does not mean that it will be changed for rowers hours on Wednesday.  In other words, the change will occur on Wednesday while construction guys are working.  Also keep in mind that they go to work pretty early - like during rower hours.  So, if you are rowing Wednesday morning, keep your eyes open.  The change may occur while you are on the water, or may be occurring (as in, barges and equipment moving all around) while you are on the water.

Row the other way if you can.
Check out the CRAB website at www.charlesriverallianceofboaters.org

On Monday, July 13, 2015 11:59 AM, CRAB via CRAB <CRAB@groupspaces.com> wrote:

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The State has informed us that on Wednesday, July 15, the Boston Arch of the Anderson Bridge will re-open, and the Cambride Arch will close, triggering the following change:
  • The Boston Arch will be used by rowers and small boats as downstream only.
  • The Center Arch will be used by rowers and small boats as upstream only.  Powerboaters will continue to use this arch bi-directionally.  
Everyone should use caution around Anderson bridge during construction.  Coaches are reminded to not wake the barges.  And if you see a rower heading for the wrong arch, make sure you tell them about the change.

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Thursday, July 2, 2015

Fw: (CRAB) Upcoming events on the Charles

On Thursday, July 2, 2015 10:23 AM, CRAB via CRAB <CRAB@groupspaces.com> wrote:

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July 4th.
Barge is out, buoys are up.  We didn't receive the annual message to boaters this year, but based on past years, we are not supposed to enter the restricted area inside the buoys, which are very close to Mass Ave this year.  So if you are out this afternoon, please turn at Mass Ave if you are a rower doing pieces, otherwise, you'll have to join the Union scullers and powerboaters squeezing on shore to get downstream.  The 2k race course is open heading upstream but only lanes 1-4ish.  The barge and buoys will likely remain in place until Sunday evening or Monday mid-day so take care with your morning row as well.

July 12, 2015
7:00AM - 6:00PM, Cromwell Cup Regatta, in the Powerhouse (Weeks to Magazine Beach), a jam packed day of racing that attracts novice and experienced rowers of all ages from all over the east coast.  Powerboaters are asked to get past the race course early and return late, if possible, or be prepared to follow instructions of the race officials to traverse the course during a regularly scheduled break.

8:00AM to 2:00PM, Access Sport America Mayor's Cup outrigger canoe regatta and fundraiser.  Racing takes place from 9:15AM to Noon.  This event takes place off the public dock at the Esplanade, outside of the Lagoon but I'm unclear on the actual course.  I think it runs along shore there.  Boaters are asked to use extreme caution.

July 18, 2015
8:30AM to 1PM, Cambridge Boat Club Invitational Regatta.  Runs in relay style laps of various lengths, in multiple boat classes between Eliot Bridge and BU Bridge.  This truly unique event attracts some very serious racers of all ages.  All other boaters are asked to steer clear of the course.  Canoe/Kayakers are asked to go upstream from Brighton and to use extreme caution above BU if launching from Kendall.  There will be a channel from powerboaters but please be prepared to work with regatta officials and yield at the start (Eliot Bridge) and at various points along the race to allow racing boats to turn quickly.  There are some major bragging rights on the line in this race to pick a team and cheer them on.

July 19, 2015
8AM to 10AM - Charles River One Mile Swim.  This too runs off the public dock at the Esplanade, outside of the Lagoon.  Boaters should use extreme caution and work with race officials to steer clear of the course (and I'm not sure where that course is).  


  1. Don't like the rowing traffic pattern?
  2. Caution Boaters! Look Ahead!

1. Don't like the rowing traffic pattern?

 The rowing traffic pattern is an agreement between clubs and organizations, to row a more strict traffic pattern to promote safe boating on the Charles.  All organizations had an opportunity to participate in the drafting of the docuement.  So while not following the traffic pattern by, say, using the arch 2 to the left of the painted arch on the Mass Ave Bridge heading upstream will not land you in trouble with the State Police (Harbor Masters for the Charles) or Coast Guard, it may and should land you in hot water with your club.  
If you have a problem with the traffic pattern, send your concern, with suggested revised lanaguate to CRAB at CharlesRiverAllianceofBoaters@gm ail.com .  The traffic pattern can be reviewed annually (only if requested) and all clubs will have a chance to voice their support or opposition and vote on the final document that will then be distributed for everyone to see.  But in the meantime, row the pattern that we have all agreed to, conveniently found on the CRAB website at www.CharlesRiverAllianceofBoater s.org .  

2. Caution Boaters! Look Ahead!

 It is canoe/kayak/paddle board season which means lots of new people to the river.  The Canoe and Kayak center has asked for feedback on their handout/testing material for their customers (which was excellent already), but that doesn't meant that people always remember what they are supposed to do.  If you are rowing afternoons/evenings or weekends, be sure to look ahead for the canoe/kayak/paddle boarders and also for the powerboaters off the ramp.  Use special care in all center arches since the powerboaters use them bi-directionally.
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