Thursday, October 27, 2016

Traffic Pattern Alert! Anderson Bridge

see the note below from the State.

On Thursday, October 27, 2016 1:46 PM, "Connelly, Roderick (DOT)" <> wrote:

Good Afternoon All,
On Monday the 31st the contractor at the Anderson Bridge will be closing the Boston Side barrel.  The center and Cambridge barrels will remain open.
Roderick M. Connelly III
Resident Engineer Anderson Memorial Bridge
Mass DOT District 6 Construction

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Fw: (CRAB) What is Happening on the Charles.

On Wednesday, October 26, 2016 1:55 PM, CRAB via CRAB <> wrote:

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Well, fall has finally come to the Charles River, on the calendar and in the weather reports.  Some important tips for fall rowing:
  • Sailors are still out.  use caution in the basin. 
  • you still aren't the only rowers out there.  Keep your eyes open for other shells. 
  • lights are not optional if you are rowing anywhere near down/dusk/dark.  buy a good set and use them.  So says the Coast Guard and everyone else.
  • paint your blades.  really.  so says the State Police and everyone else.
  • As it gets colder, get a buddy.  I know, I know, the water is MUCH warmer now than in March, but you can still get into trouble pretty quickly.
  • dress in layers, bright colors are helpful to other boats looking for you.

Upcoming Events.

Sunday, November 6, 2016 
  • 9AM, Headless Halloween Regatta.  HOCR finish line to CRI.
  • I'm also hearing rumors of a Weld scullers regatta?  If someone could supply course and race times, it would be appreciated.  If it is an interclub thing and others are not welcome, just let us know.  It is nice to warn folks when there is an event to avoid.
Saturday, November 12, 2016
9AM, Women's Foot of the Charles.  If someone could supply course and specific race times, it would be appreciated.
Sunday, November 13, 2016
9AM, Men's Foot of the Charles.  If someone could supply course and specific race times, it would be appreciated.
Saturday, November 19, 2016
I'm hearing rumors of a possible CBC loop race (thank you CBC for sending those rumors my way).  If someone could supply course and race times, it would be appreciated.  If it is an interclub things, and others are not welcome, just let us know.  It is nice when we can tell folks how to avoid an event.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Fw: (CRAB) What is Happening on the Charles.

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So, the rowers of the world are all consumed with Head of the Charles this weekend, and we will be as well since the prep needs a little focus.
Folks:  now is not the time to be inventive with the traffic pattern.  Everyone on their best behavior, right?  It is not race day until Saturday, so stay will on your side of the river, and be kind to slower boats.
Got a visitor launching from your club this week?  Even if they have they have raced internationally and on the world or olympic stage/ have rowed longer than you have been alive/ have rowed the Head of the Charles since year one - unless they row here daily, they don't know that we care which arch they use, that cutting corners is a bad idea, and lights are not optional in the dark.  Please, take a minute (or 5!) to explain the traffic pattern.  Don't want to try to explain the Mass Ave bridge/Union Lane/MIT lane to them?  Tell them they have to spin at the HOCR start.  

One more note on lights.  Please make it very clear to your visitors that if their lights die, they return immediately to dock.  They don't finish their the sculler this morning....who almost got run over by an eight and still ignored the coach telling him he wasn't visible.

If they are your guest, you are in charge.
Let's all be a little CRABby and look out for each other.

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Friday, October 14, 2016

Fw: (CRAB) What is Happening on the Charles!

 On Friday, October 14, 2016 2:54 PM, CRAB via CRAB <> wrote:

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Quick and dirty email this week.  Time to be very cooperative as the river heats up for the big, fall events.  Lets all help each other out there....

Event Calendar

 Saturday, October 15, 2016
7:00AM to 8:15AM,  Heads of the Kevin III.  Head of the Charles course (BU Rowing Boathouse to the shiney, new finish line marker, about 10 strokes above the wooden boardwalk at Herter Park), 3rd and largest installment of this best 2 of 3 event.  Please stay way off the course while this events runs a whole lot of people up the river - and then you will have far lest people to contend with.  Please, no jumping in - it screws up the timing.

Sunday, October 16, 2016
Noon to 1:15PM, Head of the Quinnobequin Youth Single Sculling Regatta (Eliot Bridge to North Beacon St. Bridge).  Everyone is asked to stay off the course as 150 kids, as young as 11, race singles.  Lots of launches on hand but still, you do not want to be in the middle of this event, which moves off the line fairly quickly.  Be advised, it gets very messy from about 11:15 AM on in the warm up area (Anderson Bridge to Eliot Bridge), and after the race, kids pull in to CRI for refreshments and awards, then many of them row back to boathouses as far away as Riverside.  Read: use caution if you're on the water.  This is a great spectator event too, so head to a bridge and cheer the kids on...
Next Weekend (Oct. 22, 23)
All Day, both Days, Head of the Charles Regatta aka:  Rower Christmas.  Need we say more.  Thousands of rowers from all over the world, including everyone's 'old country' and many of the local rowers you have come to know and love, all vying to put on their podium pants.  Come join the fun.
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Saturday, October 8, 2016

Fw: BARGE ALERT!! (CRAB) boyscout event info, columbus day weekend

big heads up for a barge tomorrow, which may also impact Saturday and Monday as it travels the river.

many thanks to Sarah for the insider info

On Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 1:30 AM, Sarah via Riverside Boat Club
<> wrote:
Also as an FYI, they hired my family's company to do a fireworks display for them on Sunday night so I would avoid rowing past the Eliot Bridge on Sunday after 2 PM as there will be a 50' barrier around the barge. Enjoy the show if you're in the area! Show time is when it gets dark near HOCR finish line

On Thursday, September 29, 2016, kate sullivan via Riverside Boat Club <> wrote:
Mark was also kind enough to let us know that they'll stay above Eliot and should go much further than the parking area (so say NU to be safe)

On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 5:17 PM, kate sullivan via CRAB
see below for your planning. thanks to mark for the info

On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 12:41 PM, Mark Jacobson
This is just a reminder about the Columbus Day Weekend Boy Scout Event permitted by the DCR

From 1-4pm pm on Saturday Oct. 8th, as well as 9am-4pm on Sunday Oct. 9th there will be hundreds of Boy Scouts out on the river in canoes, kayaks, and rafts in the viscinity of our docks.

My advice to rowers would be to try to avoid this area.


Mark Jacobson
General Manager

Weston Ski Track - Charles River Canoe & Kayak - Community Ice Skating @ Kendall Square
160 Riverview Ave Waltham MA 02453
Phone (617) 893-0209 Fax (617) 849-5949 // //

www. CharlesRiverAllianceofBoater

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Wednesday, October 5, 2016


coming to you from a remote location so pardon the format.  a few notes...

Now is NOT the time to be creative with the traffic pattern that we have all agreed to.  Alarming reports that lead me to believe that someone loaned equipment to a visiting crew and didn't give traffic pattern instructions.    when loaning equipment. please also loan your wisdom.  

this is also NOT the time to be out without lights.  this includes launches.  sunrise and sunset times are shockingly predictable.  no excuses.

also, Community Boating will have their usual Friday nite informal racing and Sunday morning formal racing.  sorry for the abbreviated notice but I'm not 12 so typing on my phone isn't easy.


Fw: (CRAB) What is happening on the Charles

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If you are reading this, you appreciate the work that CRAB members do....providing the schedule of the river so that you know what is going on with bridge construction, river events and issues.  Of course, there is much more that goes on in CRAB, and most of it impacts you directly.  If you appreciate CRAB, show some love by learning more about the CRAB/MIT Sea Grant Charting Project, and contribute a small (or large) amount to fund the completion of the project.  You can find it at


Anderson Bridge arch closure changes again (per the email from the State sent yesterday).  Center Arch is closing so all downstream bound folks should use the Boston Arch, and all upstream bound folks shoudl use the Cambridge arch.  Make sure visitors to your boathouse know.
Saturfay and Sunday, October 8 and 9, 2016
zsat PM - 4pm and Sun 9AM  - 5PM HUGE Boyscout canoe event, at Herter Park.  Hundreds of Canoes, kayaks, etc..  You do not want to overlap with this event.  you do not want to interact with this event, adjust your schedule accordingly.  held between Eliot and NU....but stay well clear just in csse.

Saturday, October 15
7AM to 8:30AM,  Heads of the Kevin III, Head of the Charles course (BU Rowing Boathouse to about 10 strokes past the boardwalk at Herter Park).  Best 2 out of 3 informal, yet deadly searious race.
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Noon to 2pm, Head of the Quinnobequin, Youth Single Sculling regatta (Eliot Bridge to North Beacon St. Bridge).  Lots of kids as young as 11 years of age in singles.  All other clubs asked to stay off the course during this event.

Saturday, October 22 ad Sunday, October 23, 2016
Head of the Charles Regatta (BU Rowing Boathouse to about 10 strokes past the boardwalk at Herter Park).
Sunday, November 6, 2016
9am to Noon, Headless Halloween Regatta.  HOCR Finish line (about 10 strokes past the wooden boardwalk at Herter Park) to Community Rowing.

Still looking for dates and courses for this years Foots of the Charles.  Please post info if you have it.

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