Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Traffic pattern ALERT, Boston Arch closure on Anderson.


see the note below alerting us to a Boston Arch closure on Monday.  Eyes open on monday to avoid moving barges, and use the center arch for down stream only traffic until the Boston arch opens again.

and, for those of you who asked, the updated time line for the Anderson Bridge Project, I have been told this:

 The job completion date is June 17, 2016.  We most likely will still have some planting and punch list work to complete but we should have no more on the water work after that date.

Let the crowds rejoice.

Check out the CRAB website at www.charlesriverallianceofboaters.org

On Tuesday, December 22, 2015 2:15 PM, Aleks Zosuls <azosuls@gmail.com> wrote:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Connelly, Roderick (DOT)
Date: Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 2:02 PM
Subject: Anderson Barrel Closure

Good afternoon All,
On Monday the 28th BHD will be moving their barge and crane into the Boston side barrel to begin the installation of the architectural precast .  The barrel will remain closed for the remainder of the week.

www.CharlesRiverAllianceofBoater s.org

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Traffic Pattern Alert! Anderson Bridge.

For all you folks braving the warm December weather out there, the Cambridge Arch of Anderson Bridge closes tomorrow for work.  See the nice notice from the good people at Mass DOT below.

So you know the drill.  
  • Center arch for upstream rowing traffic, keeping eyes peeled for power boaters who use that arch in both directions. 
  • Boston arch for downstream rowing traffic.

Stay alert.  It is warm for December but too cold to go swimming.
Check out the CRAB website at www.charlesriverallianceofboaters.org

On Tuesday, December 15, 2015 3:16 PM, "Connelly, Roderick (DOT)" <Roderick.Connelly@dot.state.ma.us> wrote:

Good afternoon All,
The contractor at the Anderson Memorial Bridge will be closing the Cambridge side barrel tomorrow morning for the installation of the architectural elements.
Roderick M. Connelly III
Resident Engineer Anderson Memorial Bridge
Mass DOT District 6 Construction

Friday, December 4, 2015

Fw: Charles River Clean Up Boat - Update 15-4

Check out the CRAB website at www.charlesriverallianceofboaters.org

On Thursday, December 3, 2015 5:11 PM, Tom McNichol <cleanupboat@yahoo.com> wrote:

Charles River Clean Up Boat - Update 15-4

This was a great year for the Clean Up Boat.  Out of the 12 years that we have cleaned the river, this was the best.  Other than a few days at the beginning of the season, and about a week after the 4th of July, the Charles way free of floating trash and debris.  We were effective and efficient, and the good weather helped a great deal.  Other than Jonathan Burke, and his family, who missed 2 days because of bad weather, most people went as scheduled.  One of the captains did not miss a day.  And the others missed few.

We have found that if you schedule the boat to go 4 times a week, you can keep the river looking good.  You know in advance, that you will miss some days because of weather,  but that is anticipated in the 4 day a week schedule.  Also, is the past, occasionally 2 captains would not be able to go in the same week.  But that does not create gaps anymore as we now have a 5th captain.  Jim Jadul has joined us and does a great job.

Tom Soisson and Bob Gaffney have been with the Clean Up Boat from the beginning, 12 years, and Mitch Lunin, the rookie, has been with us for about 10 years.  I guess Jim is now the rookie.  Anyways, these men are great people and responsible for much of our success.

Once more we have to say thanks to Nancy Free and Joann Thelusma for doing a superior job of keeping the schedule straight.

This brings us to the volunteers.  There has never been a more enthusiastic, pleasant, and dedicated group of people.  They always show up on time.  Despite our efforts to only go in good weather, on rare occasion we get caught in bad weather.  Even when threatened with rain, and this year hail, there are no complaints.

We had no unexpected expenses in 2015.  The hail storm punched holes n the Bimini top, but it was held together with duct tape and in serious need of replacement.  A couple of our financial supporters either reduced their donations, or did not donate, yet, so we are a little short.  This is my error, as I need to do a better job of raising funds in 2016.  Deb Howe has done a wonderful job and I need to get her some help. Oh yes, we will operate again next year.  Actually looking ahead, our current outboard motor has been used for 5years and we plan to use it again next year.  Our last motor was replaced after 5 years.  When it is time for the boat to go it has to be ready.  People plan their vacation time to help us and it is unacceptable to have a malfunctioning boat interfere with their day on the river.  We need to figure out how to pay for a new motor next year, in addition to covering operating costs.

I just reread the above paragraph and I want to make sure the dozens of financial supporters know we appreciate all you have done for the past 12 years.  Many of our donors have donated every year since we have started.  We do list our donors on our web site, and the years they have donated.  No one has a more loyal support group.

A couple of months ago the Charles River Conservancy worked with Google Earth to film the Charles from the Zakim Bridge to the Watertown Dam.  The Clean Up Boat helped by providing the transportation for the camera.  Soon the film will be on the "street view " portion of Google Earth.  The Conservancy is having an event on Dec 10 that includes the "premier"showing of this film.  The tickets are $250. You can get the details at their web site...www.thecharles.org.

Another activity that we will help with in 2016 is the charting of the Charles River depths from the locks to Watertown.  A number of details on this project have to be worked out.  I will learn more in the spring.

Summer, and most of Fall has gone.  The days are getting chilly.  You are an integral part of a group of concerned people who value the gem we have in the middle of our city.  Take a moment, pat yourself on the back, and reflect on what you have accomplished.  And, better yet, take a brief walk down by the Charles.

See you in the Spring,
