Friday, March 30, 2012

NU scrimage in the Powerhouse tomorrow.

Charles River users:

The Northeastern women will be racing Columbia and Dartmouth on the race course tomorrow morning from 8-9:15. 

In addition to that schedule we are going to run one scrimmage piece between the 3V 8's from NU and Dartmouth down the powerhouse stretch at 9:20. The plan is to start at the Magazine Beach turn and run a straight shot up through the right hand arch, and right hand side of the center arch with these two crews finishing just short of Weeks. The reason we are doing this on the powerhouse is that our visiting crews do not have a 3V and Dartmouth has graciously agreed to double up 8 of their athletes but don't want them to have to row to the starting line twice tomorrow morning. 

We are not asking for exclusive use of this stretch of the river, only for your awareness that an actual race will be run on that stretch at that time, and to please keep your wake to a minimum, and your blind boats under control. Pleae pass this information on to other coaches and crews in your boathouse. 

Thank you for your consideration. 

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. 
Cell: 617-908-8535

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