Friday, July 20, 2012

Update on Water Quality from CRWA

Water Quality for Friday, July 20, 2012

Watertown Yacht Club - red flag

Newton Yacht Club - red flag

Community Rowing, Inc. -  red flag

Northeastern's Henderson Boathouse - red flag

Charles River Canoe and Kayak at Herter Park - red flag

Harvard's Weld Boathouse -  red flag

Riverside Boat Club - red flag

Charles River Yacht Club - red flag

Union Boat Club - red flag

Charles River Canoe and Kayak at Kendall Square - red flag

Community Boating - red flag

Access Sport America at Spaulding Dock - red flag

Due to Wednesday evening's rainstorms, there were several combined sewer overflows (CSOs), which discharged untreated combined sewage to the lower Charles on both banks of the river. Public health officials recommend avoiding contact with the river during rainstorms and for 48 hours afterwards, as there may be increased health risks due to bacteria or other pollutants.

A blue flag indicates suitable boating conditions; a yellow flag indicates inconclusive data to predict possible health risks; a red flag indicates potential health risks. Avoid areas where red flags are posted or make sure you wash after boating nearby.

Charles River Watershed Association's Water Quality Flagging Program presents the daily flag colors of the river's health, which signify whether or not the river is safe for boating at nine boating locations from Watertown to Boston. Flag colors are based on forecasts of bacteria levels and blue-green algae counts.  Please note that weekend flag colors are based on weather forecasts and are subject to change. 
CRWA estimates bacteria levels using a model that takes into account various environmental factors. CRWA typically collects river samples for bacteria weekly to verify our model predictions. Algae monitoring is conducted at least every two weeks.  

Today's flag colors are a conservative estimate of water quality conditions.  Actual water quality may vary from predictions.   
For more information about the flagging program, and to view bacteria data, visit our water quality notification web page at


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