Thursday, March 24, 2016

Fw: (CRAB) This Week on the Charles!

On Thursday, March 24, 2016 12:51 PM, CRAB via CRAB <> wrote:

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Hello Sports fans!!  Formal racing is up and running.  Please be sure to be aware of what is happening before you venture out.  Powerboaters are encouraged to check out the Powerboating page on the CRAB website to get some helpful tips for navigating around rowing shells and sail boats.  Rowers should check out their page as well to figure out how to recognize a sailing race and how to avoid ending up in the wrong place.  
Everyone is encouraged to review the traffic pattern and remember that the rowing traffic pattern is NOT the pattern that the Power Boaters is the traffic pattern that the rowers use to more safety organize themselves.  It is more restrictive than Coast Guard regulations.  Powerboaters follow the Coast Guard Regs which allows them to use arches in different ways.  For example, rowers use the center arch at Weeks as upstream only to avoid head on collissions on a tricky corner - but Power Boaters have to use that arch bi-directionally.  Courtesy is always the best option when dealing with other boats.  So lets brush up on our information, commit to best behavior and have a safe season.


  1. Racing!!!
  2. Events to Keep in Mind

1. Racing!!!

Colleges and boathouses that allow them to launch, please make sure that your visitors understand the traffic pattern.  It takes a village to educate a visitor.
College Racing on the 2K course (from the start line on the stripe on the wall of the jug handle that juts out on Memorial drive above Longfellow Bridge to the white finish line markers downstream of the BU Boathouse).
7:20AM-11:00AM - Beanpot racing, MIT lightweight Men, Simmons v. Merrimack, MIT Men and Women v. Coast Guard.
11:00AM to 5:00PM - Sailing Racing (either between Longfellow and Mass Ave, or Mass Ave and BU Bridges).

10:00am to 3:15PM - Sailing Racing (either between Longfellow and Mass Ave, or Mass Ave and BU Bridges)


2. Events to Keep in Mind

April 24th - the Run of the Charles.  Very busy event.  Folks should plan to be off the river early....
April 30th - the Charles River Cleanup
May 7 - MIT crossing the Charles - to commemorate MIT's historic move from Boston to Cambridge, they will cross by land and water (Grand Marshall Oliver Smoot '62!!).  
We need help from a Sailor!  If someone in the sailing community wants to send me details on their races (like in which section of the river they are happening, and maybe the participants, I'll happily include it.

Sailors need help from everyone else.  Folks are cautioned to remember that even when there aren't sailing races, there are still plenty of sailors practicing.

For more information, visit the CRAB website at www.CharlesRiverAllianceofBoater
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